"Hail, dear warriors and women warriors! Let me welcome you just before you make your final step into the gate of breathtaking world of Ancient battlefields. I believe you didn't open this document by a mere coincidence. I suppose everybody of us, at least once upon a time, wants to become someone else, famous commander, unbeatable conqueror in command of victorious army, like Alexander the Great or Gaius Iulius Caesar. In bolder dreams we could imagine ourselves changing the history and saving the entire nations by glorious skills and correct tactical decisions." Warriors in Antiquity is a strategic game designed for two players yet more players may participate during play. In our historical scenarios players become sovereign generals of mighty armies that fought many centuries ago on battlefields of the ancient world. The result of the game, whether the history would repeat or change, depends entirely on the players. Historical scenarios: - Heraclea 280 B. C. http://games.mantikora.com/games/strategy.php4 http://games.mantikora.com/games/warriorsinantiquity/brules.php4