A combination of Concentration and Scrabble, set in a 'magician's school'. For three or four students of the mystical arts. You're a student starting a new semester at Lunston Lifflammer's Academy of the Magical Arts and Sciences. Like you've done in your previous semesters here, you've made a friendly wager with a few close friends. The first student to finish his or her course load of spells for the semester doesn't have to do any chores next semester. Instead, the other students in the wager will do that student's chores for him or her. Next semester you're slated to muck out the dragon hatchery three times a week. If there's a worse chore at the school, you don't know what it is. This semester, you either win the wager, or your nickname will be, 'Stinky.' Good luck! Object: Be the first student to complete a full course load of spells (9 credits worth). You need: * Letter tiles (Ingredients) (available on the website) * A Spell Deck (available on the website) * Beads or coins to keep track of Spirit http://www.invisible-city.com/play/181/magic-spell