Sorcerer's Apprentice


本月排名变化: -NaN

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 2 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 8+




出版年份: 2003


| (Web published) | Invisible City Productions


| Jonathan Leistiko


| 暂缺


|抽象 |梦幻 |即印即玩




An ever-changing checkers game for two players and an Icehouse set. Object: To end the game with the most magic hats in your Hat Rack. Gain magic hats by capturing your opponent's pieces. You can put hats on your pieces to grant them special powers. You Need: * A checker board (pieces optional) * An Icehouse set with red, yellow, green, blue, purple, and clear pieces. If you're not playing with checkers, you'll need two more sets (like opaque white and black) to act as checkers. These rules assume you're using checkers. Play is just like a normal game of checkers with the following exceptions: * If you see a capture, you must take the capture. If you have a choice between captures, you must choose one of them to take. * When your opponent loses a piece from the board, immediately draw one hat from the Bag of Hats and place it in your Hat Rack. * When you lose a piece from the board, you may immediately place one hat from your Hat Rack on any one of your pieces in play that is not currently wearing a hat. This is not mandatory, but optional. Hats confer special powers on the pieces that wear them. Download Here: http://www.invisible-city.com/play/81/sorcerers-apprentice