Aim: To find a secretly selected word (Code Word) of six or more letters. Select a word master by means of each player rolling the eight dice in turn. The player with the greatest number of vowel letters appearing (ie A E I O U) will be the first Word Master. The Word Master secretly writes the code word on a piece of paper. The word must be kept face down in front of him during play. The word selected must have six or more letters and must be correctly spelled. The Word Master must inform all players the number of letters in the Code Word. All other players take a Word Challenge Analysis Sheet. The player ot the left of the Word Master then rolls the dice and selects a maximum of any three letters showing from the eight dice and writes such letters in pencil on his Analysis Sheet. The Analysis Sheet is then handed to the Master who must mark the sheet in the following manner: If a chosen letter appears in the code word the Word Master leaves it untouched. If a chosen letter does not appear in the Code Word the master must put a cross through it. Play then passes to the next player.