

本月排名变化: -NaN

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 20 分钟

难度: 1 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+




出版年份: 2005


| (Web published) | Invisible City Productions


| Jeremy Bushnell | Jonathan Leistiko


| 暂缺


|聚会 |即印即玩 |文字游戏




psssst! Hey, buddy. What’s in the BAG?—- a creative thinking word game, minus the letters and words, for two or more players Goal: To form a lattice of interlocking meme (a unit of cultural information that can be transmitted from one mind to another) strings. You Need: A set of BAG tiles. You can download, print, and cut apart our starter BAG tile set . We strongly recommend creating your own set or customizing the starter set. Just glue snippets from magazines onto the backs of the starter set tiles and trim the clipping to fit the tile. A bag or other opaque container to put the BAG tiles in. A flat surface to play on. Each player draws seven tiles from the bag. On your turn, try to find a theme or concept that two or more of them share. One you’ve found a theme for one or more of your tiles, lay them in the play area. If tiles are already in play, the tiles you play must intersect one or more of them. Draw one tile for every tile you played. Score one point for every tile in each meme-string you added to or created. Play passes to the left. The first player with 21 points wins.