Viking Adventure


本月排名变化: -NaN

玩家人数: 1 - 6 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 1 (毛线)

适合年龄: 9+




出版年份: 2004


| Great Lakes Design | Norse America


| Stephanie Kalnes


| 暂缺


|冒险 |古代 |中世纪 |神话 |航海


The Viking Adventure Game is an award winning historical game that is both fun and educational for the entire family. Learn the history and mythology of the Vikings as you sail your ship to far-off lands, conquering countries and winning treasures. Follow the treasure map to Åsgård, the fabled home of the Norse Gods. Ride the rainbow bridge to seek your destiny as the Gods influence the outcome of your fate. Up to 6 players, of all ages, can play this game at the same time. The game features playing pieces in the form of 6 different miniature replicas of real historical ships: the Fram, the Griffin, the Kon Tiki, the Oseberg, the Skuldelev and the Viking. The game comes with a ship’s log detailing the fantastic historical voyages these great ships made. It will be cherished by your family for years and years to come The game also features 6 decorative treasure chests to store your loot during game play, and neatly store the ship playing pieces when you are finished playing. Also included are Norse coin replicas, colorful playing cards, a treasure map game board and more. Viking Adventures compiles research from dozens of renowned sources to create a fun and memorable learning tool for the entire family.