玩家评分: 7.8

This War of Mine: The Board Game

桌游极客排名: 187

本月排名变化: 3

玩家评分: 7.8

玩家人数: 1 - 6 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 45-120 分钟

难度: 3.32 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 18

专业评分: 7.35



出版年份: 2017


| MYBG(尚未发行)(中文)


| Michał Oracz | Jakub Wiśniewski


| Piotr Gacek | Maszrum | Paweł Niziołek




您的目标是直到战争敌对行动停止为止。在你作为幸存者的斗争中,你会遇到与决定和选择非常困难相关的戏剧(你们迟早会在戏剧中面对你的行为的后果)。生存本身往往被证明是不够的。你们每个人决定支付的价格,在最后的结果中可能太高了。所以目标是真正的生存下去,让你生活在你所做出的决定。 EPILOGUES机制将踢在这里。

TWOM:棋盘游戏具有多人游戏体验,最多6个玩家,以及独奏变体。您将能够从电子版游戏中识别一个知名人物,并面对数百个新的挑战和难题。“玩家游戏大大拓宽了原始游戏的宇宙,强调了剧情的深度,但其主要焦点将是由生存本能和群体决策驱动的人际互动。该项目旨在省略常见的棋盘游戏门槛 - TWOM:棋盘游戏是一个真实的PLAY游戏,在开始冒险之前不需要阅读手册。



This War Of Mine: The Board Game is the tabletop adaptation of the award-winning video game that pictures the drama of civilians trapped in a war-torn city. You will enter this experience as a group of civilians trapped in a besieged and conflict-ridden city, enduring many hardships that often test the essence of humanity. During day time you will take shelter in a ruined tenement house, which you will care about and manage by: removing rubble, searching through various rooms (often behind barricaded doors), you will build beds, improvised workshops, stoves, tools, water filters, small animal traps, you will cultivate an improvised vegetable garden, fix the tenements’ shelled facilities, reinforce the security of your shelter and should winter come, you’ll try to keep it warm. Upon nightfall your main duties will consist of guarding your shelter and what little possessions you can accumulate against bandits and raiders. Those in your group fit for such a task will use the cover of the night to carefully explore dozens of the ever-changing locations scattered throughout the dangerous city in search of all the things that a person needs to survive (materials, food, meds, equipment, etc.). On your way you will meet tens of characters, each with a unique story (residents of the locations you visit, thieves, bandits, soldiers, war victims, refugees, neighbors, traders and members of local communities), each encounter is a potential, unique adventure. To guide you through all these events you will have the special SCRIPTS mechanism, responsible for implementing the deep and complex story and a coherent plot (each game will be unique and different than the previous). Your goal is to SURVIVE until the cessation of war hostilities. During your struggle as the survivors, you will experience dramas connected with making extremely difficult decisions and choices (you will have to face the consequences of your actions sooner or later in the playthrough). Survival itself will often prove not to be enough. The price each of you will decide to pay, might be too high in the final outcome. So the goal is really to survive in a way that will let you live on with the decisions you made. The EPILOGUES mechanism will kick in here. TWOM: The Board Game features a multiplayer experience for up to 6 players, as well as a solo variant. You will be able to personify one of the well-known characters from the electronic version of the game and face hundreds of new challenges and difficult choices. The boardgame significantly broadens the original game’s universe and emphasises the depth of plot, yet its main focus will be on human interactions driven by survival instinct and group decision-making. The project aims to omit the usual boardgame threshold - TWOM: The Board Game is an INSTANT PLAY game, with no need for reading the manual before starting the adventure. Experience the simulation of a struggle for survival as a group of civilians facing a blind and merciless war. In war, not everyone is a soldier.