玩家评分: 7.2

Legend of the Five Rings

桌游极客排名: 1855

本月排名变化: 12

玩家评分: 7.2

玩家人数: 2 - 8 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 45 分钟

难度: 3.29 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.22



出版年份: 1995


| Alderac Entertainment Group | Five Rings Publishing Group | Wizards of the Coast


| Jeff Alexander | Brent Keith | Bryan Reese | David Seay | Dave Williams (II) | Mark Wootton | John Zinser


| Aaron Acevedo | Rob Alexander | Eric David Anderson



Rokugan的设置已经改变了参与L5R CCG的故事情节比赛。 #10;由于氏族忠诚的观念,五环传说与其他收藏纸牌游戏不同。游戏的部落是你建立你的甲板,围绕起重机部落,狮子氏族等建立的社区是游戏的支柱。当你说“我是一个螃蟹玩家”你立即发现自己有数以千计的同伴在那里帮助你成为一个更好的球员。当一个氏族胜利的时候,所有人都受益匪浅。L5R是第一个引入玩家直接影响的牌的CCG。这些仍然是游戏的核心部分。

L5R CCG已经脱离了一些相关的游戏:“#氏族战争,缩影比赛。 Diskwars:五环传说,一个Rokugan主题的Diskwars桌面战斗游戏。未发表的原型,一个尚未发布的战争在Rokugan设置。传说五环角色扮演游戏

截至2006年,只有CCG和氏族战争已经有故事情节比赛。尽管RPG玩家近年来一直在积极参与到现在的情节中。“2008年,L5R举办了第一个”巨型游戏“不仅在CCG形式,而且在比赛(艺术,写作,海报设计等),社区工作(慈善,筹款,食物驱动)等方面,为氏族及其支持者融合了各种竞争方式。龙族最终赢得了第一场大型游戏,因此获得了下一位皇后来自他们的氏族的荣幸。2009年,L5R发行了第一本图画小说“科特死亡”,其中也包括CCG的独家故事主题卡。另外在2009年,L5R发行了帝国礼品,是CCG历史上第一次完全免费扩展。“2010年L5R庆祝其15周年纪念与许多重大事件,新的奖品,更多的免费卡片和一个特殊的闪回套装带来了游戏历史上最流行的卡片。 2010年也是Gen Con在过去7年中举办的世界锦标赛最大的赛事。2011年,“荣誉之战”发行,这是一款全新的基于瓦片的多人游戏,

2015年9月,AEG和幻想飞行游戏宣布FFG从AEG购买了L5R品牌,并将重新启动纸牌游戏作为LCG(不可收藏),具有重大的规则变更和一个新的设计。这个游戏是在发行恶魔部队之后进行的,这是AEG的最终扩张,并将在Gencon 2017重新启动。FFG还计划在某个时候继续使用RPG(在什么形式下,哪个规则集是未知的)

A collectible card game, set in a fantasy empire called Rokugan, based loosely upon medieval Japan and Japanese Mythology. The factions available have changed over the editions, but generally include the 7 Great Clans: Crab, Crane, Dragon, Lion, Phoenix, Scorpion, and Unicorn. Each has specific thematic elements, which are consistent across editions and descendant games. The other currently legal factions include the Spider, Mantis, and an unaligned ronin stronghold. The Rokugan setting has been changed over the years by participation in the storyline tournaments for the L5R CCG. Legend of the Five Rings is different from other collectible card games due to the concept of Clan loyalty. The Clans of the game are what you build your deck around, and the communities that have built up around the Crane Clan, Lion Clan, etc are the backbone of the game. When you say "I'm a Crab player" you instantly find yourself with hundreds and thousands of clan-mates who are there to help you become a better player. When one member of the Clan wins, all benefit. L5R was the first CCG to introduce cards that players directly influenced. These are still a core part of the game. The L5R CCG has spun off a number of related games: Clan War, a miniatures game. Diskwars: Legend of the Five Rings, a Rokugan-themed set of the Diskwars tabletop combat game. Unpublished Prototype, an as-yet unpublished wargame set in Rokugan. Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game As of 2006, only the CCG and Clan War have had storyline tournaments. Though the RPG players have been heavily involved in the ongoing plot in recent years. In 2008, L5R held the first "Mega-Game" which incorporated various methods of competition for the Clans and their supporters, not only in CCG form, but in contests (art, writing, poster-design, etc.), community work (charity, fundraising, food-drives), and more. The Dragon Clan ultimately won the first mega-game, and as such earned the privilege of having the next Empress come from their clan. In 2009, L5R released its first graphic novel, Death at Koten, which also included exclusive story-themed cards for the CCG. Also in 2009, L5R released The Imperial Gift the first completely free expansion in CCG history. In 2010 L5R celebrated its 15th Anniversary with many major events, new prizes, more free cards, and a special flashback set that brought back some of the most popular cards in the history of the game. 2010 also saw the largest World Championships event at Gen Con in the past 7 years. 2011 saw the release of War of Honor, an all new tile-based multiplayer format for L5R that comes with 4 pre-constructed decks. In september 2015, AEG and Fantasy Flight Games announced that FFG had bought the L5R brand from AEG and will relaunch the card game as a LCG (non-collectible), with significant rules changes and a new design. The game is to go on hiatus following the release of Evil Portents, the final expansion from AEG, and will be relaunched at Gencon 2017. FFG has also plans to continue the RPG at some point (in what form and with which ruleset is yet unknown).