玩家评分: 6.4

Shear Panic

桌游极客排名: 2328

本月排名变化: 18

玩家评分: 6.4

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 45 分钟

难度: 2.22 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.06



出版年份: 2005


| Fragor Games | 999 Games | Egmont Polska


| Gordon Lamont | Fraser Lamont


| Paolo Chiari | Gabriela Silveira



来自Fragor Games的第二场比赛是一群绵羊,他们试图在正确的时间在正确的地方。 “#10;


”“最好的游戏Ewe Ever Herd!”



有两个独立的游戏区域:一群羊小雕像聚集在一起;和组合时间/评分垫。 (3或4名玩家的时间安排是双面的)。玩家每次转动的动作都会导致时间标记通过四个场中的每一个移动得更快或更慢,并且每个场中的得分是不同的。

Field 1是Team Tag。玩家得分更高,以保持他们的羊靠近在一起。场2是罗杰的场,球员得分越远越接近罗杰(拉姆)。领域3是黑羊标签,玩家的得分越高越靠近黑羊。场4是剪切恐慌场,最靠近采煤机图的绵羊排被淘汰,而剩余部分被单独打分。时间标记指示羊目前在哪个领域。“玩家在游戏过程中总共可以采取十二个动作,并且每个玩家都使用”羊肉按钮“放在它上面,消除它从未来的使用。此外,动作越强大,时间标记将越远(更快)移动。如果定时标记落在红点上,则有效的玩家执行一个免费的“羔羊大满贯”通过滚动恐慌和移动一个颜色的羊滚动一个空间在任何方向。如果恐慌死亡白痴,整个羊群都会做一个“母羊转”玩家选择的方向是九十度。由于所有玩家席位都是可见的,所以玩家需要关注对手还有什么动作。#10 ;这个游戏是针对三四个玩家,但是包括了两个玩家变体的规则。


The second game from Fragor Games, featuring a flock of sheep and their attempts to be in the right place at the right time. Much gambolling, some tupping, lots of shearing. Publisher Blurb: "'The Best Game Ewe Ever Herd!' Ah, do ewe long for the life of a sheep? Bright summer days filled with games of tag and attempts to flock closer to Roger, the Heartthrob Ram? But, Watch Out! The shearer wants to drag you away from all the fun and games! In Shear Panic, ewe maneuver your ewes to score points, playing tag, standing close to Roger, or trying to avoid the shearing scissors! Will your brave sheep score the most points, or will it be "Off with the wool" for ewe?" The game includes eleven small figurines (which are somewhat fragile): Two each of four different colors, one black, one 'Roger', and one 'Shearer'. Also included are four player mats in different colors; a timing/scoring mat; 48 mutton buttons in four colors; four scoring markers; one flock marker; and two special six-sided dice. There are two separate play areas: The one where the flock of sheep figurines are clustered; and the combination timing/scoring mat. (The timing mat is two-sided for 3 or 4 players.) Actions by the players each turn cause the timing marker to move faster or slower through each of the four fields, and the scoring is different in each field. Field 1 is Team Tag. Players score higher for keeping their sheep closer together. Field 2 is Roger’s Field, where players score more the closer they are to Roger (the ram). Field 3 is Black Sheep Tag, and players score higher the closer they are to the black sheep. Field 4 is the Shear Panic Field, and the row of sheep closest to the shearer figure are eliminated each turn, while the remainder are scored individually. The timing marker indicates which Field the sheep are currently “in”. Players have a total of twelve actions they may take during the course of the game, and as each one is used, a “mutton button” is placed over it, eliminating it from future use. Also, the more powerful the action, the farther (faster) the timing marker will move. If the timing marker lands on a red spot, the active player executes a free “lamb slam” by rolling the Panic Die and moving a sheep of the color rolled one space in any direction. If the Panic Die rolls white, the entire flock does a “ewe turn” ninety degrees in a direction of the active player’s choice. Since all the player mats are visible to everyone, players need to keep an eye on what moves are still available to their opponents. The game is intended for three or four players, but rules for a two-player variant are included. Starting player is the person who most recently was sheared (had their hair cut).