Not to be confused with the 1960 Parker Brothers game with 17th-century Pirates (also called Trade Winds), this older game is set in the year it was published, 1943. ---From the publisher's brochure:--- A game of ships and men and the cargoes carried between U.S. and Latin American ports. Each player is a trader in imports and exports, and his success or failure is measured by the profit or loss resulting from his transactions. ---end brochure quote--- The center of the board shows a map of Central and South America, while around the edge are the spaces you move on. There are two card decks: one shows the countries you can visit, and the other shows dollar figures, both for buying and selling. When leaving the USA, you pick a card to see where you're bound and another card to see what your cargo cost you (red number). You roll 1d6 per turn until you arrive at your destination, then draw another dollar card to see what you get for selling your cargo (red number, which are usually higher). You repeat this process for going home, except you roll 2d6 for movement on the way home (7s means you lose your turn). Game ends when a player has made five complete round trips - whoever made the most money wins.