玩家评分: 7.8

Gustav Adolf the Great: With God and Victorious Arms

桌游极客排名: 4200

本月排名变化: 44

玩家评分: 7.8

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 300 分钟

难度: 3.79 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.77



出版年份: 2006


| GMT Games


| Ben Hull


| Rodger B. MacGowan


|布阵 |战争

Ben Hull获奖的Musket&派克战役系列。这个系列的第四部分是一场战术战斗游戏,其中包括历史上最伟大的历史之王,古斯塔夫二世阿富汗之王瑞典之王的五场战役。在简短的职业生涯中,他将瑞典推向了欧洲强权政治的前沿。这个卷集重点放在古斯塔夫·阿道夫的军事系统的兴起和高潮上。这个系列从这个准确的内战中的英国内战开始,然后在瑞典的古斯塔夫·阿道夫之后覆盖了瑞典军队。 ,然后看着法国人在百合旗下三十年战争中的兴起。在这卷中,瑞典人面对着艰难的波兰骑兵,长矛装备了飞越的Husars和哥萨克人。瑞典风格的旅还在不败的蒂利担任联合天主教联盟和帝国军队的负责人。最后,瓦伦斯坦与一个复兴的帝国军队,掌握了绘制瑞典人的艺术,以选择他的地面进行攻击。在包括古斯塔夫·阿道夫大帝在内的每场战斗中:与上帝和胜利的武器,军队分为几翼。每个人都有一个指挥官和一个命令,限制该机构单位可能执行的行动类型。胜利来到能够协调翅膀在战斗中的动作的球员。单位是步兵营或旅,骑兵团和炮兵电池。规则包括骑兵收费,骑兵手枪或短兵,以及火炮放火。玩是高度互动的,大多数战斗可以通过一次坐下来玩。古斯塔夫·阿道夫伟大的战斗:与上帝和胜利的武器是:

Dirschau 1627 - 1626年开始的普鲁士运动,古斯塔夫·阿道夫终于把波兰人带到了战场,战胜了他们在一个月前的Gniew,巧妙地使用地形来抵消强大的波兰小丑。国王再次面对波兰将军Koniecpolski,并再次试图。“#10;

Breitenfeld 1631 - 三十年战争中最有名的战争

阿尔特维斯特1632年 - 夏末瑞典人被Wallenstein围困在Nü rnberg。

Lü tzen 1632 - 莱比锡东南部的瑞典人赶上了帝国的主体。瓦伦斯坦军队分离了两个兵团,严重危险。他在Lü tzen加强了一个职位。古斯塔夫·阿道夫国王的最后一场战斗。

Honigfelde / Trzciano 1629 - “我从来没有一个更热的浴!古斯塔夫二世阿道夫回来后高呼。在试图将其军队从波兰和帝国陷阱中解脱出来的时候,几乎被捕获,这次伟大的骑兵战役显示了波兰人受到尊重。 Rheingraf奥托·路德维希的德国骑兵袭击了前进的波兰人,并被拉伤。古斯塔夫·阿道夫(Gustav Adolf)急忙前进,拯救了流氓的莱茵拉夫。 Koniecpolski显示他的狡猾。帝国特遣队加入战争,并派遣瑞典人落后。帝国指挥官冯·阿尔尼姆(Von Arnim)将在两年后的布列滕费尔德(Gertav Adolf)与古斯塔夫·阿道夫(Gustav Adolf)进行比赛。





提名2006年Charles S. Roberts最佳前二战董事会奖(Charles S. Roberts Awards)。

Part of Ben Hull's award-winning Musket & Pike Battles series. The fourth installment in this series is a tactical battle game featuring five battles from the career of one of the Great Captains of History, King Gustav II Adolf the Great of Sweden. In his brief career, he catapulted Sweden to the forefront of European power politics. This volume sets it focus on the rise and climax of Gustav Adolf's military system. The series began with the English Civil War in This Accursed Civil War, then covered the Swedish army after Gustav Adolf in Sweden Fights On, then looked at the rise of the French in the Thirty Years War in Under the Lily Banners. In this volume the Swedish face the tough Polish cavalry, lance equipped winged Husars and Cossacks. The Swedish-style brigades also take on the unbeaten Tilly at the head of the allied Catholic League and Imperial armies. Finally, Wallenstein, with a resurgent Imperial army, mastered the art of drawing out the Swedes to attack on ground of his choosing. In each battle included in Gustav Adolf the Great: With God and Victorious Arms, armies are divided into several wings. Each has a commander and an order that limits the types of actions that units of that wing may perform. Victory goes to the player who can coordinate the actions of his wings in the heat of battle. Units are infantry battalions or brigades, cavalry regiments and artillery batteries. Rules include Cavalry Charges, Cavalry Pistols for skirmishing or for close combat, and artillery grazing fire. Play is highly interactive and most battles can be played through in one sitting. The battles included in Gustav Adolf the Great: With God and Victorious Arms are: Dirschau 1627 - The Prussian campaign that started in 1626, Gustav Adolf had finally brought the Poles to the field and defeated them in battle at Gniew a month before, skillfully using terrain to offset the powerful Polish Hussars. Again the King faced the Polish General Koniecpolski and sought to the same again. Breitenfeld 1631 - The most famous battle of the Thirty Years War Alte Veste 1632 - The late summer saw the Swedish besieged by Wallenstein at Nürnberg. Lützen 1632 - Southeast of Leipzig the Swedes caught up to the Imperial main body. Wallenstein's army had detached two corps and was serious danger. He fortified a position at Lützen. King Gustav Adolf's final battle. Honigfelde / Trzciano 1629 - "I've never had a hotter bath!" exclaimed Gustav II Adolf upon his return. Very nearly captured while trying to extricate his army from a Polish and Imperial trap, this great cavalry battle showed the Poles were to be treated with respect. Rheingraf Otto Ludwig's German cavalry attacked the advancing Poles and was drawn into a pincer. Gustav Adolf rushed forward to save the impetuous Rheingraf. Koniecpolski showed his cunning. The Imperial contingent joined the fray and sent the Swedes falling back. The Imperial commander, von Arnim, would take the field with Gustav Adolf at Breitenfeld two years later. Components: 3 Full-color countersheets Two 22"x34" back-printed maps Rulebook Scenario/Playbook 2 11x17" Player Aid Cards