Double Trouble and The Calendar Game were a pair of health education and promotion board games sold together in one box. The games featured the theme of healthy lifestyle habits tacked on to familiar board game formats. Double Trouble, for four players, had a ludo-like format with each player having only one playing piece, but traveling around the board to try to gain four 'health habit' counters (eat right, exercise regularly, don't smoke, control stress) before racing for home. The twist to the game was that whenever any player rolled doubles, all players made a grab for one of the little bean bags (of which there was always one less than the number of players) on the board. The player who did not manage to grab a bean bag was sent back to his/her start. The Calendar Game was a conventional 'go-round-the-board' dice-roll-and-move game where players tried to gain 'health points' by picking up 'health cards'. Up to six players could play.