玩家评分: 5.2

Carolina Rebels


本月排名变化: -NaN

玩家评分: 5.2

玩家人数: 1 - 2 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 120 分钟

难度: 0 (毛线)





出版年份: 2005


| BSO Games


| Richard H. Berg


| 暂缺


|美国革命战争 |战争




Cowpens and Hobkirk’s Hill; South Carolina 1781 Carolina Rebels is BSO’s follow-up to their popular “Civil War Tactical System” game, Louisiana Tigers, this time a company-level American Revolution gaming at a scale of 40 yards per hex and about 50 men per counter/unit. Carolina Rebels emphasizes the limits of command, training, and discipline, all in the milieu of the very linear style of warfare in the pre-Napoleonic era. The system allows players to choose their method of approach and their style of combat. Will they go into close order, or spread our for better fire possibilities. What are the pros and cons of the rifle-armed American militia? Can your dragoon forces exert any influence? Carolina Rebels contains a high amount of tactical detail, all in a very short group of rules, designed for quick learning and fast, easy play. The two battles chosen highlight small tactics towards the end of the war, where both sides had ample opportunities to watch, learn and practice, with an emphasis on Formation. Some of the great commanders of the war, from Nathanial Greene to Daniel Morgan to the infamous, but capable, Banastre Tarleton are in full action at the surprisingly even battles at both Cowpens and Hobkirk’s Hill. Carolina Rebels is designed for quick learning and easy play, using a system that has almost unlimited possibilities. Game rules are short, but there are lots of charts and tables to cover every aspect of battle at this micro level. The combat rules, covering both ranged fire as well as bayonet shock, will seem familiar, yet different. Playing time is less than 2 hours. Each game of Carolina Rebels includes Rules, one sheet of Mike Lemick’s, colorful cut-and-paste counters, and 2 spiffy Bill Ramsay maps (in 4 sections). Carolina Rebels was a nominee in the Charles S. Roberts awards for Best DTP-Produced Boardgame (Charles S. Roberts Awards) for 2005.