玩家评分: 6.6


桌游极客排名: 2748

本月排名变化: 8

玩家评分: 6.6

玩家人数: 3 - 5 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 30-40 分钟

难度: 1.79 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 5.97



出版年份: 2015


| Pegasus Spiele | Crash Games | Lucrum Games


| Matthias Cramer


| Dennis Lohausen | Peter Wocken



17世纪和18世纪是科学的时代。当时最令人印象深刻的两个人是Leonard Euler和Maria Sibylla Merian(实际上是相关的)。 Leonard Euler是一位着名的数学家,他们为pi提供卓越的服务。玛丽亚Sibylla梅里安不仅是一个自然主义者和探险家,也是一个艺术家。她的名字代表了大自然的详细描绘风格,看到她的作品对毛虫变形蝴蝶。这张卡片游戏中的插图将再次呼吸那种风格的生活。

皮尔·波特曼(Pi Mal Pflaumen)这个名字是“Pi mal Daumen” — “经验法则”或“粗略地” —这也是在那个时期起源的,但现在而不是拇指,玩家关心水果。一回合,玩家一次从他们的手中玩一个水果卡,然后根据他们玩的牌的力量,他们每个人都要求一张牌。每张卡片描绘一个水果,一些卡片还具有一个打分模式(例如,手中三个相同的水果或两对匹配的水果)或一个特殊的动作,如收集额外的梅花卡,从对手窃取卡片,带狗保护自己免受盗窃或收集三人卡片(可以单独播放或与数字卡组合,以增加初始播放的价值)。


The 17th and 18th centuries were the eras of science. Two of the most impressive personalities of that time were Leonard Euler and Maria Sibylla Merian (who in fact were related). Leonard Euler was a famous mathematician who rendered outstanding services to the number pi. Maria Sibylla Merian was not only a naturalist and explorer but also an artist. Her name stands for the style of detailed portrayal of nature – see her works on the metamorphosis of caterpillars to butterflies. The illustrations in this card game shall breathe life into that style again. The name Pi mal Pflaumen is a play on the expression "Pi mal Daumen" — "rule of thumb" or "roughly" — which also originated in that period, but now instead of thumbs, players are concerned with fruit. On a turn, players play one fruit card from their hand at a time, then they each claim one of the played cards based on the strength of the card that they played. Each card depicts a fruit, and some of the cards also feature a scoring pattern (e.g., hand in three identical fruits or two pairs of matching fruits) or a special action, such as collecting an additional plum card, stealing a card from an opponent, taking the dog to protect yourself from theft, or collecting three π cards (which can be played singly or in combination with a number card to increase the value of your initial play). After a number of turns based on the number of players, the round ends, then players receive a new hand of cards. After three rounds, players tally their points based on completed contracts and whoever has the high score wins.