玩家评分: 7.7

殖民地暮光:法国 - 阿尔及利亚战争,1954-62
Colonial Twilight: The French-Algerian War, 1954-62

桌游极客排名: 1752

本月排名变化: 6

玩家评分: 7.7

玩家人数: 1 - 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 90-300 分钟

难度: 3.85 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.26



出版年份: 2017


| GMT Games


| Brian Train


| Rodger B. MacGowan | Chechu Nieto


|现代战争 |战争

殖民地暮光之城使1至2名参与者陷入纠缠不解的军事和政治行动,其中包括1954 - 62年的法国 - 阿尔及利亚战争。呃反叛分子解放阵线(FLN)是从适度的开始,必须为其事业建立大量持久的民众支持,并组织起阿尔及利亚终于获得独立的权力。政府代表殖民当局和法国军事领导人,必须果断地参与民族主义叛乱活动,同时努力维护民间政府和社会的支持和承诺。玩家将进入“黑暗之心”因为他们采取军事,政治和经济行动,利用事件建立和调动力量来影响或控制人民,或以其他方式实现其沿着扭转独立路线的目标。“这个最新的”GMT“受欢迎的COIN系列系列是第一款为两名玩家设计的系统。你必须仔细考虑你想要做的事情,以及它的多少,在主动性将从你的手指滑落之前。而且,一个完整的纸牌系统可以让独奏玩家测试他们的技能,反对一个狡猾的游戏运行的敌人。


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Colonial Twilight takes 1 to 2 players into the tangled web of military and political actions comprising the French-Algerian war of 1954-62. The insurgent Front de Liberation Nationale (FLN), starting from modest beginnings, must build massive and enduring popular support for its cause and organize to assume power when Algeria finally gains its independence. The Government, representing both the colonial authorities and France’s military leadership, must engage the nationalist insurgency decisively while striving to preserve the support and commitment of the civilian government and society. Players will enter the “heart of darkness” as they use military, political, and economic actions and exploit events to build and maneuver forces to influence or control the population or otherwise achieve their aims along the twisting route to independence. This installment in GMT’s popular COIN Series system is the first to be designed for two players. You must carefully consider just what it is you want to do, and how much of it, before the initiative slips from your fingers. It also includes rules for a solitaire FLN bot AI opponent. (There is no French bot, so the only solitaire option is for the human to play as the government against the insurgent bot.) From the Casbah to the Aures, are you ready to run the gauntlet?