玩家评分: 6.3



Rolling America

桌游极客排名: 3151

本月排名变化: 32

玩家评分: 6.3

玩家人数: 1 - 99 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 15 分钟

难度: 1.55 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 5.90



出版年份: 2015


| Gamewright


| Hisashi Hayashi


| 暂缺


|骰子 |数字 |拼图

根据2014年Rolling Japan的发行,Rolling America是一款轻型的“多人纸牌”骰子游戏每个玩家都有一张分为五十(抽象代表)状态的美国地图,然后将它们聚集成六个不同颜色的区域。在转弯时,一个玩家画两个正规的六面骰子从包里卷起来;该包从七个骰子开始,六个匹配地图上的区域的颜色以及一个野生的清晰的模具。所有玩家现在都记下在匹配颜色的任何状态下滚动的每个数字,即,如果蓝色模具显示4并且黄色a 2,则在一个蓝色状态中写入4,在一个黄色状态中写入2。如果清洁模具滚动,您可以将此数字置于您选择的状态;另外,每场比赛三次,您可以选择使用不透明的模具作为任何颜色。但是,相邻国家的数字不能大于1;如果您不能在不违反此规则的情况下放置数字,则必须将X置于适当颜色的状态。 (如果一个地区的所有州都已经填满,您可以忽略死亡或使用其中一种颜色变化将其编号放在其他位置。)##10;

Rolling America对Rolling Japan有一些改变。 “保护”动作允许您在游戏过程中三次忽略相邻的数字限制,而“复制”动作允许您在同一区域使用两个活动骰子之一。像在现实生活中,阿拉斯加和夏威夷与美国大陆没有联系,所以你可以在这些国家放下任何你想要的数字!


Rolling America, based on the 2014 release Rolling Japan, is a light "multiplayer solitaire" dice game. Each player has a map of the United States that's divided into fifty (abstractly represented) states, which are then bunched together into six differently colored areas. On a turn, a player draws two regular six-sided dice from a bag and rolls them; the bag starts with seven dice, six matching the colors of the areas on the map along with a wild clear die. All players now write down each number rolled on any state of the matching color, i.e., if the blue die shows 4 and the yellow a 2, write a 4 in one blue state and a 2 in one yellow state. If the clear die is rolled, you can place this number in a state of your choice; additionally, three times per game you can choose to use a non-clear die as any color. However, neighboring states can't have numbers with a difference larger than 1; if you can't place a number without breaking this rule, then you must place an X in a state of the appropriate color. (If all the states in an area are filled, you can ignore the die or use one of your three color changes to place the number elsewhere.) Rolling America has a few changes from Rolling Japan. The "guard" action allows you to ignore the neighboring number restriction three times during the game, and the "dupe" action allows you to use one of the active dice twice in the same region. As in real life, Alaska and Hawaii are not connected to the continental United States, so you can drop any numbers you want in those states! After six dice have been rolled, mark one round as being complete, then return the dice to the bag and start the next round. After eight rounds the game ends, and whoever has the fewest Xs on their map wins.