桌游极客排名: 595
本月排名变化: 3
玩家评分: 7.1
玩家人数: 2 - 8 (最佳: 5人)
时长: 45-120 分钟
难度: 2.43 (轻度策略)
适合年龄: 12
专业评分: 6.89
中度, 需要翻译或者贴条
Robo Rally汽车工厂的机器人在装配线上度过了平日。他们拼命地拼凑了高速超级跑车,他们永远不会在行动中看到。但在星期六晚上,工厂成为一个疯狂的机器和危险计划的世界,因为这些机器人参与了自己的史诗般的种族竞赛。它采取速度,智慧和肮脏的技巧,成为一个赛车传奇!每个玩家选择一个机器人,并通过扑克牌来引导他的动作。随着所有玩家都显示他们选择的卡牌,混乱随之而来。玩家面临工业激光,缝隙和移动输送带等障碍,但也可以利用它们的优势!每个玩家的目标是按照数字顺序将它们交给每个检查点。第一个到达所有检查点的玩家获胜。 (来源:http://avalonhill.wizards.com/games/robo-rally/comingsoon) 在RoboRally玩家中,每个玩家通过一个对手控制一个不同的机器人危险的工厂车间。董事会将会有几个目标,您必须按照特定的顺序将机器人导向他们。这些板可以以几种不同的方式组合以适应不同的玩家数量,并且种族可以与玩家的愿望一样长或短。一般来说,玩家将首先填充他们所有的机器人的“登记”面对运动卡。这同时发生,并且涉及时间元素。如果您的行为不够快,您将被迫随机放置卡片以填补其余部分。然后,从第一个注册开始,每个人都会显示他们的卡。具有最高数字的卡首先移动。每个人都解决了他们的动作,他们揭示了下一张卡片等等。移动卡片的例子可能是向左或向右旋转90度,向前移动2个空格,或者向后移动1个空间,尽管有比这更大的变体。你可以计划一条完美的路线,但是如果另一个机器人进入你,那么它可以推动你离开。这可能是灾难性的,因为您不能重新编程任何卡来修复它!
该游戏由Avalon Hill(Hasbro / WotC)于2005年转载。 ;
The robots of the RoboRally automobile factory spend their weekdays toiling at the assembly line. They put in hard hours building high-speed supercars they never get to see in action. But on Saturday nights, the factory becomes a world of mad machines and dangerous schemes as these robots engage in their own epic race.It takes speed, wits, and dirty tricks to become a racing legend! Each player chooses a robot and directs its moves by playing cards. Chaos ensues as all players reveal the cards they've chosen. Players face obstacles like industrial lasers, gaping pits, and moving conveyor belts -- but those can also be used to their advantage! Each player aims to make it to each of the checkpoints in numerical order. The first player to reach all of the checkpoints wins. In RoboRally players each control a different robot in a race through a dangerous factory floor. Several goals will be placed on the board and you must navigate your robot to them in a specific order. The boards can be combined in several different ways to accommodate different player counts and races can be as long or as short as player's desire. In general, players will first fill all of their robot's "registers" with facedown movement cards. This happens simultaneously and there is a time element involved. If you don't act fast enough you are forced to place cards randomly to fill the rest. Then, starting with the first register, everyone reveals their card. The card with the highest number moves first. After everyone resolves their movement they reveal the next card and so on. Examples of movement cards may be to turn 90 degrees left or right, move forward 2 spaces, or move backward 1 space though there are a bigger variety than that. You can plan a perfect route, but if another robot runs into you it can push you off course. This can be disastrous since you can't reprogram any cards to fix it! Robots fire lasers and factory elements resolve after each movement and robots may become damaged. If they take enough damage certain movement cards become fixed and can no longer be changed. If they take more they may be destroyed entirely. The first robot to claim all the goals in the correct order wins, though some may award points and play tournament style. The game was reprinted by Avalon Hill (Hasbro/WotC) in 2005. UPC 742818050029