From the Invisible City Productions website: Search for specimens and toss mud on two to four paleontologists. You’re a world-famous paleontologist. You’ve been commissioned by a prestigious museum to unearth and assemble a dinosaur. There’s a new dig site rich in fossils. Find the biggest dino! Object:To gather specific sets of cards while placing useless cards where your opponents will find them. The game is played on a 'dig site' made up of piles of playing cards. Each player has 3 paleontologists. The players move their paleontologists around the dig site looking for cards they can use to make dinosaurs (each card represents a portion of a dinosaur.) The game ends when one player has at least 5 cards in his 'museum' and has brought all of his paleontologists back to his home space. The player with the longest run (ex: 9-10-J-Q) of cards wins. Ties go to the run with the highest card in it.