LIAISONS - A game of imagination, mime and detection. Every player is dealt one "Boy" and one "Girl" Personality Card and imagines that, unknown to everyone else, the couple are involved in a secret liaison. Each player is dealt one boy and one girl from the decks of cards and invents a situation as to how the liaison (between, for example, Captain Kirk and Madonna) began. This introductory story must contain some clue to one or the other (or both) of the liaising personalities, but not be so vague as to be meaningless. Successive questioning through the game must contain additional clues. Any information provided is recorded by all the other players on "Probe Sheets". The "Probe Sheets" contain a list of permitted questions (e.g. "What did he first say to her") that may be asked during the course of the game. The questions that may be asked are determined by the movement of playing pieces on the board, which comprises three concentric rings. Additional information may also be gained through the use of Chance cards or "Acting Up" - in which players are required to act as another celebrity, but in the style of either the boy or the girl of their liaising couple. On certain squares it is permitted to attempt to guess the names of the liaising couple for one of your opponents - this is done in secret by writing on a scrap of paper. The challenged opponent will then award markers for correctly guessed personalities. The first player to unmask all the liaisons of all of his or her opponents is the winner.