From the back of the box: "Odds On Card Game Odds On is the dice and card game where the players decide the odds and the dice decide the outcome. Each player has seven specially numbered horse cards. Just like in real horse racing, some of the horse cards are better than others - you have to decide which you think are the best and what their chances are of winning. A "seven plus" horse card means you need to throw a seven or more on the dice - an odds card of "four" gives you four attempts to do it. Succeed and you're on a winner, fail and you've lost one of your horse cards and your opponent could be one step nearer the winning post. The player with the most winning horses is the champion in this exciting game of luck and skill. Pack of Horse Cards Pack of Odds Cards 2 Dice Rules Inside Devised by Michael Kindred and Malcolm Goldsmith" Listed as Ages 8 and up.