本月排名变化: -NaN
玩家评分: 6.7
玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 1人)
时长: 120 分钟
难度: 0 (毛线)
适合年龄: 12+
For King & Country is a supplement to Flames of War, The World War II miniatures battle system. This book provides information on infantry from throughout the British Empire, Australia, Canada, India, New Zealand, and South Africa. Complete organization and equipment for British, Australian, New Zealand, Indian, Irish, Scots and South African infantry forces in North Africa, Sicily and Italy are found in this supplement. Also included are variants for Commando troops and freshly-arrived Eighth Army and First Army forces, the history of the 50th (Northumbrian) Infantry Division, as well as inspiring color photos, tactics guide, and painting guide. Additional rules include new Night Attack rules, Tunisia and Sicily terrain generator, and the exploits of New Zealand’s Captain Charles Upham and the commando Brigadier Peter Young.