玩家评分: 7.3


桌游极客排名: 2819

本月排名变化: 13

玩家评分: 7.3

玩家人数: 1 - 9 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 90 分钟

难度: 2.24 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 5.96



出版年份: 1989


| Leading Edge Games


| David McKenzie | Barry Nakazono


| Toni Dennis | Nadir Elfarra


|战斗 |恐怖 |电影/电视 |科幻

外星人允许玩家从1986年的科幻/恐怖片中重现三个关键的战斗场景。情景包括“反应室” (九个海军陆战队员与其巢穴中的外星人),“作战和航空管道” (幸存的海军陆战队员面临外星人的攻击和追求),“Ripley vs. The Queen” (Ripley在与外星女王的最后一战中使用动力装载机)。包括17“ x 34“游戏地图,人物卡和计数器,都以电影中的照片为特色。海军陆战队在这场比赛中可以有非常短的生命周期,特别是如果他们不一起工作。玩游戏是快速和激烈的 - 做一个很好的工作,在观看电影时感觉到紧迫感。任务可以使可选规则更残酷 - 加上一些规则变体增加了一些有趣的“如果”场景。添加外星人扩展,你可以虚拟地重写整个电影剧本!

Aliens allows players to recreate three key battle scenarios from the 1986 science fiction/horror film. The scenarios include "The Reactor Room" (nine marines vs. the aliens in their lair), "Operations and Air Ducts" (the surviving marines face an alien assault and pursuit), and "Ripley vs. The Queen" (Ripley uses a powerloader in her final battle with the Alien Queen). Includes a 17" x 34" game map, character cards, and counters, all featuring photos from the movie. Marines can have very short life spans in this game, especially if they don't work together. Game play is fast and intense - does a good job of creating the sense of urgency felt when watching the movie. Missions can be made more brutal with optional rules - plus some rule variants add to some fun "what if" scenarios. Add the Aliens Expansion and you can virtually re-write the entire movie script!