玩家评分: 7.7

Under the Lily Banners

桌游极客排名: 3823

本月排名变化: 55

玩家评分: 7.7

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 300 分钟

难度: 3.62 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.81



出版年份: 2005


| GMT Games


| Ben Hull


| Rodger B. MacGowan


|布阵 |战争

百合旗下是三十年战争中的五场战斗战术游戏。这是获奖的Musket&派克战斗系列细节17世纪战争,经常被称为现代战争的黎明。这卷是法国军队在1635年进入三十年战争之后的崛起。法国历史上最伟大的两名舰长路易斯·德波旁,大都会é和Henri de la Tour,维多利亚·杜伦(Henri de la Tour),在田纳西(Le Grand Siecle) - 法国黄金时代(Louis XIV),太阳王(Sun King)之间进行了舞台演出。


军队分为几个翅膀。每个人都有一个指挥官和一个命令,限制该机构单位可能执行的行动类型。胜利来到能够协调他的翅膀在战斗中的动作的玩家。单位是步兵营,骑兵团和炮兵电池。规则包括骑兵指挥,用于冲突或紧密战斗的骑兵手枪,以及火炮放火。玩是高度互动的,大多数战斗可以通过一次坐下来玩。百合旗下的五场战役是:“罗克力1643年” - 年轻的杜克恩恩亨恩(后来被誉为“大众时代”)的亮相。三十年战争中最着名的战争,打破了西班牙tercios的力量。法国人面对一个更大的西班牙军队,但是精力充沛的恩汉恩拒绝放弃,当所有人似乎都失去了胜利,并从失败的下巴中夺取胜利。“弗莱堡1644年 - 恩赫恩与图伦的联合,面对着根深蒂固的巴伐利亚人。战争肆虐,持续了3天,直到法国人丧生。法国人宣布胜利然后绕过了这个城镇。与地形,攻击风格和持续时间相比,这个时期的战斗风格与其他任何时期都是非常不同的。迈尔根特海姆1645 - 巴伐利亚人惊讶于图雷尼的军队,造成了严重的打击。这是这个系列中最小的战斗,被列为学习场景。阿尔海姆又名第二个Nö rdlingen 1645 - 来自黑森 - 卡塞尔的Enghien和德国盟军强化的Turenne,再次面对根深蒂固的巴伐利亚人。巴伐利亚人,由帝国强化,两个山丘和镇。恩亨恩袭击了这个城镇,特维恩精锐的维马尼亚骑兵团的领袖图雷恩袭击了巴伐利亚的右翼。巴伐利亚人杰出的骑兵司令让·德·韦尔特(Jean de Werth)看到,恩亨恩的袭击事件在城里恶化,袭击了法国人,砸碎了他们。法国队直到巴伐利亚司令弗朗茨·冯·梅西(Franz von Mercy)陷入混乱,才让坦尼掏出胜利。法国人的伤亡很重,三个月前就结束了运动赛季。#1648 - 镜头1648 - 神圣罗马皇帝大公利奥波德兄弟下的复兴西班牙人压入法兰德斯,重新夺回镜头堡垒。由于西班牙的国内动乱和军事失败,法国人似乎很脆弱。大酒店赶紧抢救。西班牙人高调,希望Cond&eac​​ute;将像在阿尔海姆一样攻击他。相反,他转身开始退休了。与法国战舰的骑兵冲突升级,并将两支军队逐步推向行动。老将西班牙语tercios粉碎了精锐的前卫fran和ccedil; aises,把他们的颜色作为报复罗克罗。法国骑兵被证明是优越的,驱赶了西班牙的马,将步兵的尸体隔离在他们大批投降的领域。这破坏了哈布斯堡最后的希望,结束了他们参与三十年战争的失败。



3个表格&#10 ; 2张背面印刷的地图(3张地图战斗和2张半地图战斗)


提名者2005年Charles S. Roberts最佳前世界大战奖II Boardgame(Charles S. Roberts Awards)。

Under the Lily Banners is a tactical battle game featuring five battles from the Thirty Years War. This is the third volume from the award winning Musket & Pike Battles Series detailing 17th Century warfare, often known as the Dawn of Modern Warfare. This volume features the rise of the French Army after their entry into the Thirty Years War in 1635. Two of the greatest captains of French history - Louis de Bourbon, the Grand Condé and Henri de la Tour, the vicomte de Turenne - take the field to set the stage for Le Grand Siecle - the Golden Age of France under Louis XIV, the Sun King. After taking on the English Civil War in This Accursed Civil War and the combined arms tactics of the Swedes and Imperials in Sweden Fights On, the Musket & Pike Battles Series looks at the French, Spanish and Bavarian armies. The Spanish tercios face the superb French gendarmes. The stalwart Bavarians with their excellent cavalry and love of entrenchments battle the veteran Weimarian cavalry corps. Armies are divided into several wings. Each has a commander and an order that limits the types of actions that units of that wing may perform. Victory goes to the player that can coordinate the actions of his wings in the heat of battle. Units are infantry battalions, cavalry regiments and artillery batteries. Rules include cavalry charges, cavalry pistols for skirmishing or for close combat, and artillery grazing fire. Play is highly interactive and most battles can be played through in one sitting. The five battles in Under the Lily Banners are: Rocroi 1643 - The debut of the young duc d'Enghien (later known as the Grand Condé). The most famous battle of the Thirty Years War that broke the power of the Spanish tercios. The French faced a larger Spanish army but the energetic Enghien refused to quit when all seemed lost and snatched victory from the jaws of defeat. Freiburg 1644 - Enghien joined forces with Turenne facing the well entrenched Bavarians. The battle raged for over 3 days until the French were worn down. The French declared victory then bypassed the town. A very different style of battle than any other from the period due to the terrain, style of attack, and duration. Mergentheim 1645 - The Bavarians surprised Turenne's army and inflicted a stinging blow. This is the smallest battle in the series and is included as a learning scenario. Alerheim aka Second Nördlingen 1645 - Turenne, reinforced by Enghien and German Allies from Hesse-Cassel, again faced the entrenched Bavarians. The Bavarians, reinforced by the Imperials, held two hills and the town. Enghien attacked the town and Turenne, at the head of the elite Weimarian cavalry corps, attacked the Bavarian right. The excellent cavalry commander for the Bavarians, Jean de Werth, saw Enghien's attack bog down in the town and attacked the French right, smashing it. The French were losing until the Bavarian commander, Franz von Mercy, fell and in the confusion, allowing Turenne to pull out a victory. The casualties were so heavy the French ended the campaign season three months early. Lens 1648 - The resurgent Spanish under the Archduke Leopold brother of the Holy Roman Emperor pressed into Flanders to recapture the fortress of Lens. With domestic unrest and a military failure in Spain, the French seemed vulnerable. The Grand Condé rushed to the rescue. The Spanish took the high ground, hoping Condé would attack as he had at Alerheim. Instead, he turned and began to retire. A cavalry skirmish with the French rearguard escalated and drew both armies into the action piecemeal. The veteran Spanish tercios smashed the elite gardes françaises, taking their colors as revenge for Rocroi. The French cavalry proved superior and drove off the Spanish horse, leaving the body of infantry isolated on the field where they surrendered en masse. This shattered the last hopes for the Habsburgs, ending their involvement in the Thirty Years War with a defeat. Components: 1 series rulebook 1 playbook 3 countersheets 2 backprinted mapsheets (3 one map battles and 2 half-map battles) 1 die Player Aid Cards Nominee for the 2005 Charles S. Roberts awards for Best Pre-World War II Boardgame (Charles S. Roberts Awards).