玩家评分: 6.8



Hit Z Road

桌游极客排名: 1547

本月排名变化: 9

玩家评分: 6.8

玩家人数: 1 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 30-60 分钟

难度: 1.85 (毛线)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.33



出版年份: 2016


| Asmodee(中文)


| Martin Wallace


| Pascal Quidault | Cari | JB Casasola


|战斗 |恐怖 |僵尸

来自发行商的描述:在快节奏和病态kits y的Hit Z Road游戏中,您和您的同伴们沿着美国着名的66号公路从芝加哥南行,现在已经被僵尸感染了。当你穿过一大堆冒险卡冒充危险时,你们会战僵尸群众,驾驶废弃的校车,清理气体和子弹,并探索一个黑暗的,受污染的美国农村,这里充斥着不死生物,闹鬼的狂欢节和有毒气体的羽流。您的目标是保持活力,直到您到达加利福尼亚海岸的安全的沙滩。


In the fast-paced and morbidly kitschy game Hit Z Road, you and your fellow players embark on a road trip going south from Chicago along America's famous Route 66 — now infested by zombies. As you travel though a deck of adventure cards rife with dangers, you battle zombie hordes, drive abandoned school buses, scavenge for gas and bullets, and explore a darkened, tainted American countryside full of shambling undead, haunted carnivals, and plumes of toxic gas. Your goal is to stay alive until you reach the safe, sandy beaches of the California coast. Three different stages of adventure cards create an experience of increasing difficulty and ensure that each playthrough is unique. Each round begins with an auction that determines both player order and which cards you will encounter. Since the resources used for bidding are the same as those used to battle the oncoming zombie hordes, your survival depends as much on your resource management as it does upon winning those bidding wars. The player who either accumulates the most points or survives the longest wins. Zombies of all types await, with cannibals, anti-personnel mines and radioactive wastes also being among the hazards awaiting the players. Who will survive the zombie onslaught? —description from the publisher