玩家评分: 7.5

Mare Nostrum: Empires

桌游极客排名: 678

本月排名变化: 6

玩家评分: 7.5

玩家人数: 3 - 5 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 90-120 分钟

难度: 2.97 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 14

专业评分: 6.81



出版年份: 2016


| ASYNCRON games | Academy Games, Inc. | Ediciones MasQueOca


| Serge Laget


| Jean-Marie Minguez


|古代 |文明建设 |经济 |神话 |战争

古老的罗马人称之为“我们的海”是拉丁语的地中海“母马口水”。马雷诺斯特姆是一个帝国建设的游戏,其中3-5人[或2-6人随着“阿特拉斯”的扩张],他们将个人的古代帝国带到了马雷·诺斯特姆(Mare Nostrum)的统治地位。通过将您的影响力扩大到新的省份,扩大您的贸易大篷车,建设市场,创建新的城市和寺庙,您将成长为您的帝国的名利和荣耀。你可以招募英雄,创造奇迹来帮助你的事业。但请注意您的“朋友”因为他们可以用羡慕和贪婪来看你的收获...

Mare Nostrum是由原来的2003年版本的Academy Games和Asyncron重新引入,更新了规则,计数器和地图板。这个版本包括许多新的组件和多种新的方式来赢得!



The ancient Romans called the Mediterranean Sea "mare nostrum", which is Latin for "our sea". Mare Nostrum is an empire-building game in which 3-5 players [or 2-6 with the 'Atlas' expansion] lead their individual ancient empires to dominion of Mare Nostrum. You grow the fame and glory of your empire by expanding your influence into new Provinces, then extending your Trade Caravans, building Markets, and founding new Cities and Temples. You can recruit Heroes and create Wonders to help your cause. But beware of your "friends" because they may look upon your gains with envy and greed... Mare Nostrum is a re-introduction by Academy Games and Asyncron of the original 2003 release with updated rules, counters, and map board. This edition includes many new components and multiple new ways to win! In more detail, you choose an empire to lead, which begins with three Provinces. You can lead with Caesar of Rome and its powerful Legions, or with Pericles, the prominent Greek statesman and orator, with the great Babylonian lawgiver and healer King Hammurabi, or with Queen Cleopatra of Egypt, whose engineers led in the development of grain storage and irrigation, or with Hannibal, leader of the Carthaginians, whose merchants thrived on trade and commerce. Now you decide how you will grow your empire. You can do this by: Expanding your Trade and creating Wonders. Concentrating on Culture and building the great Pyramids. Developing a strong and powerful Military to occupy the Provinces of other empires, or Exerting Political Leadership by claiming the titles of Trade Leader, Cultural Leader, and Military Leader.