玩家评分: 6.5


桌游极客排名: 4735

本月排名变化: 18

玩家评分: 6.5

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 2.26 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 5.73



出版年份: 2016


| Hyperbole Games


| Joshua Buergel | Grant Rodiek


| JJ Ariosa | Adam P. McIver | Tiffany Turrill


|卡牌游戏 |即印即玩





&#10,所以它已经走了。魔法到卡片游戏的应用与混合mandrake和蠕虫的皮壳一样自然而然。然而,第一次,专门为向导创建的游戏的规则已经从发现的片段拼接在一起在坟墓,尘土飞扬的书店和一个小报的分类广告。虽然这个游戏发明了几个世纪以来,魔法大部分被遗忘了,但现代游戏设计给了我们一种模仿重建规则中概述的奥术的方法。结果是“无魔法需要” 2-5位玩家的异想天开的幽默,Hocus将玩家置于华丽的巫师靴子中,利用其强大的优势创造机会,操纵游戏和改变卡片流动。奇才憎恨被咒语所困住,你不能折!每回合,玩家选择一个法术来使用。当你刚刚到达Hocus,我们将首先讨论三个基本法术。

使用第一个基本的法术向社区播放卡片。随着大家共享社区中的卡片,周到地玩耍!第二个法术是建立锅。除了西装和力量之外,每张卡都有一个点值。扑向扑克玩家的扑克牌将为每场摊牌赢家提供积分。玩牌,搭配第三个法术的口袋。 (从来不要求看到一个巫师的口袋!)每个玩家都需要其中一个口袋,并将其与社区结合起来,在摊牌期间形成一只手。最好的手声称Pot中的所有点。

当然有一个扭曲。相信一个向导提供一个扭曲!有多个社区,每个都有一个Pot,玩家可以在多个摊牌中竞争,如果他们有Pocket。 Hocus不仅仅是建立良好的手,而是在对手最不期望的地方赢得胜利,并且赢得了巨大的赌注。定时和小心,有针对性的玩法将赢得当天。时间有限你可能会引起一个平直的冲洗,但它并没有任何点在锅里!


旅行方式回到一个黑暗,沉闷的旅馆,洗牌,玩最喜爱的游戏传奇Merlin和Morgan le Fay。 Hocus有点像扑克,但更多的魔法!

For those with the eldritch gift, temptation lurks around every corner, even in leisure. Just consider the possibilities available to the practitioner of magic. Imagine poker with spells! No person could resist such temptation, and even a casual review of history will prove that none could. The famous last play of Ephippus of Athens? It was about Circe’s never ending thirst for cheating at cards. Morgan le Fay and Merlin regularly crossed wits over a deck. Roger Bollingbroke’s most heinous crime was the transparently bogus run of five straight flushes in a row. And so it has gone. The application of magic to card games is as natural as mixing mandrake and worm’s husk. For the first time, however, the rules for a game specifically created for wizards have been pieced together from fragments found in tombs, dusty used bookstores, and in the classified ads of one small newspaper. Though magic has largely been forgotten in the centuries since this game was invented, modern game design has given us a way to imitate the arcana outlined in the reconstructed rules. The result is a “no-magic-required” whimsical romp for 2-5 players. Hocus places the players in the flamboyant boots of wizards, using their powerful advantages to create opportunities, manipulate the game, and alter the flow of cards. Wizards hate being pinned down and live by the mantra “You shall not fold!” Each turn, players choose one Spell to use. As you are new to Hocus, we shall first discuss the three Basic Spells. Use the first basic Spell to play cards to the Community. Play thoughtfully, as everyone shares the cards in the Community! The second Spell is for building the Pot. In addition to Suit and Strength, every card has a point value. Cards played to the Pot contribute their points to the winner of each Showdown. Play cards to build a Pocket with the third Spell. (Never ask to see a wizard’s pocket!) Each player takes one of their Pockets and combines it with the Community to form a hand during Showdowns. The best hand claims all points in the Pot. There is, of course, a twist. Trust a wizard to provide a twist! There are multiple Communities, each with a Pot, and players can compete in multiple Showdowns if they have the Pockets. Hocus is not merely a matter of building good hands, but making a winning hand where your opponents least expect and profiting with a hefty Pot. Timing and careful, targeted play will win the day. And time is limited. You may have conjured a Straight Flush, but it’s worthless with no points in the Pot! Now, look at the other spells in the game. There are eight different spell books, each with their own unique approaches to the game, providing every wizard who plays with their own special abilities. The spell books raise the game to another level, with even more tools for bending luck to your advantage. Travel way back to a dark, dank inn, shuffle the cards, and play the favorite game of the legendary Merlin and Morgan le Fay. Hocus is a little like poker, but a lot more magic!