玩家评分: 6.9



The Big Book of Madness

桌游极客排名: 1081

本月排名变化: 5

玩家评分: 6.9

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 60-90 分钟

难度: 2.69 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.55


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2015


| 栢龙(中文)


| Maxime Rambourg


| Xavier Gueniffey Durin


|卡牌游戏 |梦幻



每个玩家都有自己的元素甲板,他们在游戏过程中建立和使用为了几个目的,如学习或施放法术,在他们的甲板上添加一个新元素,摧毁或治愈诅咒。法术允许你支持你的同伴,改善你的甲板,画卡等。但从书中的怪物反击。每一个都有可怕的诅咒,每一次都被触发,除非你及时驱散他们。他们会让你丢弃元素,将疯狂卡添加到你的甲板上,或者失去法术...#10;如果你设法翻转六页并打败所有的怪物,你赢得比赛!&#10 ;

So far your first year at the Elementary College has been slightly disappointing. They taught you to light a flickering flame at the tip of your finger, but other than that you've spent much more time reading books than learning powerful spells as future great wizards like you should. So when you heard about the Big Book of Madness hidden in the great school library, you couldn't help but to sneak in and peek in this intriguing tome in spite of your professors' warnings. When you slowly lift the cover of the terrible book, dozens of dreadful creatures rush out, threatening to destroy the world itself! This was your mistake, and only you can fix it now! Learn from the library to fight back against the monsters, and try not to sink into insanity... The Big Book of Madness is a challenging co-operative game in which the players are magic students who must act as a team to turn all the pages of the book, then shut it by defeating the terrible monsters they've just freed. Each player has their own element deck that they build during the game and use for several purposes, such as learning or casting a spell, adding a new element to their deck, destroy or healing a curse. Spells allow you to support your playmates, improve your deck, draw cards, etc. — but the monsters from the book fight back. Each comes with terrible curses that are triggered every turn unless you dispel them in time. They will make you discard elements, add madness cards to your deck, or lose spells... If you manage to turn six pages and defeat all of the monsters, you win the game!