玩家评分: 6.5



Sleeping Queens

桌游极客排名: 2202

本月排名变化: 2

玩家评分: 6.5

玩家人数: 2 - 5 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 20 分钟

难度: 1.06 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 6.09



出版年份: 2005


| Gamewright | AURUM, Inc. | Cocktail Games


| Miranda Evarts


| Jimmy Pickering


在睡眠王后,玩家需要使用策略,快速思考,和一点点运气,从这些起床的贵族从他们的皇家山to to。。十二只皇后卡躺在桌子上。轮到你从手中的卡片中采取一个动作:玩一个国王醒来,要求一个睡觉的女王,玩一个骑士去偷别人的女王(除非她有一条龙保护),玩魔杖发送女王再次睡觉,用小丑尝试我们的运气与甲板的顶部,或丢弃一个或多个数字卡,以吸引更多的卡。每个女王卡都有一个点值,每当所有的女王被唤醒或一个玩家达到点数阈值时,游戏结束,谁获得的积分最多。

Rise and shine! The Pancake Queen, the Ladybug Queen, and ten of their closest friends have fallen under a sleeping spell and it's your job to wake them up. In Sleeping Queens, players need to use strategy, quick thinking, and a little luck to rouse these napping nobles from their royal slumbers. The twelve queen cards lie face-down on the table. On a turn, you take one action from the cards in your hand: play a king to awaken and claim a sleeping queen, play a knight to steal someone else's queen (unless she has a dragon for protection), play a potion to send a queen to sleep once again (unless she has a wand for protection), use a jester to try out your luck with the top of the deck, or discard one or more number cards to draw more cards. Each queen card has a point value on it, and whenever all the required queens have been awakened or one player hits the point threshold, the game ends and whoever has the most points wins.