玩家评分: 7.3

Love Letter: Batman

桌游极客排名: 764

本月排名变化: 2

玩家评分: 7.3

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 20 分钟

难度: 1.19 (毛线)

适合年龄: 10

专业评分: 6.75



出版年份: 2015


| Alderac Entertainment Group | Cryptozoic Entertainment


| Seiji Kanai


| 暂缺


|卡牌游戏 |漫画 |推理


|手牌管理 |淘汰制

爱情信:蝙蝠侠是一个冒险,扣除和运气的游戏,2– 4名玩家基于Seiji Kanai的原始Love Letter游戏。甲板主要由犯罪分子组成,Joker是#8中最有价值的卡,#7的Harley Quinn等等,罗宾出现在#4,蝙蝠侠是#1,这是原来的爱情信中的守卫。你的目标是要持有—也就是捕获了—在最后一轮的最高牌,或者是最后一名选手。“#10;



Love Letter: Batman is a game of risk, deduction, and luck for 2–4 players based on the original Love Letter game by Seiji Kanai. The deck consists mostly of criminals, with Joker being the most valuable card at #8, Harley Quinn at #7, and so on, with Robin showing up at #4 and Batman as #1, which is the guard in the original Love Letter. Your goal is either to hold — that is, have captured — the highest valued card at the end of the round or to be the final player active in the round. From a deck with only sixteen cards, each player starts with only one card in hand; one card is removed from play. On a turn, you draw one card, and play one card, using the power on that card to expose others and (possibly) knock them out of the round. If you use Batman's ability to KO someone (other than Robin), you score one point, with points being tracked via Batsignal tokens. If you're the final player active in the round or the player with the highest card when the deck runs out, then you score a point. The game ends following the round in which someone has seven or more points, and the player with the most points wins.