玩家评分: 5.9

Shaman King Trading Card Game

桌游极客排名: -1

本月排名变化: -NaN

玩家评分: 5.9

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 1人)

时长: - - 分钟

难度: 1.75 (毛线)

适合年龄: 10+




出版年份: 2004


| Upper Deck Entertainment


| Brian Hacker | David Humpherys | Daniel Mandel | David Smith


| 暂缺


|卡牌游戏 |收藏 |梦幻


Shaman King is a CCG that is based on the famous anime of the same name. From the Publisher Rule Book: "Welcome to the world of the Shaman King TCGTM! In this game, players use their favorite shamans to fight one-on-one duels in order to crown a Shaman King. It’s fast-paced and furious fun! The Shaman King TCG is kind of like the traditional card game War. Like War, Shaman King TCG players don’t have a hand of cards. Instead, players take turns flipping cards from the top of their decks and comparing their attacks. The Shaman King TCG is also different than War. When you play War, you only have one chance to match or defeat your opponent’s attack. In the Shaman King TCG, you have three chances, represented by the three colored zones. In War, cards are free to play, but in the Shaman King TCG, cards cost furyoku to play. Watch your furyoku carefully, and you’ll be successful. The Shaman King TCG is easy to learn. Players take turns attacking their opponents with strike cards while defending against their opponent’s attacks at the same time. If your opponent fails to stop your strike in each of his or her three zones, you score a point. The first person to score three points wins the game. Strikes aren’t the only thing you need to win a shaman duel. Sneaky tactics, represented by advantage cards, and help from one’s friends, represented by teamwork cards, will mean the difference between winning and losing the game. Each shaman also has a different set of signature moves that you can find on the special pull-out card inside the Shaman Chamber CardTM. These represent each shaman’s powerful attacks and may only be played under certain conditions."