玩家评分: 7.5

古代文明 II
Antike II

桌游极客排名: 1453

本月排名变化: 4

玩家评分: 7.5

玩家人数: 3 - 6 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 90-120 分钟

难度: 2.86 (中度策略)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 6.37



出版年份: 2014


| PD-Verlag | Cranio Creations | Oya


| Mac Gerdts


| Julia Domeyer | Marina Fahrenbach | Mac Gerdts

Antike II是一个具有挑战性的战略游戏,涉及古代文明中的演变与竞争。古国创造城市,建造寺庙,航海,发现新的科学技术原理。他们的军团和厨房开辟新的定居点,捍卫自己的人民免遭敌人的袭击。可以选择两种方案,因为游戏板是双面的。每个国家都试图为自己赢得古代的国王,学者,将军,公民和导航员。获得指定数量的国家(取决于玩家人数)的古代人物首先赢得比赛!

带领其中一个国家胜利,但要注意你的敌人,因为他们会想征服你的城市来摧毁你的寺庙。根据设计师Mac Gerdts的说法,游戏不仅取决于骰子或卡片的运气,而且还在周到的计划和巧妙的外交上。“Antike II与2005年Antike的不同之处在于多种方式。开始,玩家现在拥有城市标记,这使得他们可以选择一个新成立的城市将生产哪些资源。军事单位变得越来越贵,征服城市的规则也容易得多。科学进步也发生了变化。中立的寺庙现在已经存在,可能会被毁坏,获得一般的副总统,而不会伤害其他玩家。该游戏在新的图形设计中具有两个新的地图,并且一张名为“BELLONA”的新卡。 (古罗马女神之战)被引入以抵制起跑者的优势。“Gerdts指出,所有这些变化的主要目标是使征服城市的规则更容易,而也打开更多的可能性赢得比赛,而不需要攻击其他玩家。

Antike II is a challenging strategy game about evolution and competition among ancient civilizations. Ancient nations create cities, build temples, sail the seas, and discover new principles of science and technology. Their legions and galleys open new settlements and defend their people against attacks from their enemies. Two scenarios can be chosen as the game board is two-sided. Every nation tries to win ancient kings, scholars, generals, citizens, and navigators for themselves. The nation that acquires a specified number (depending on the number of players) of ancient personalities first wins the game! Lead one of these nations to victory—but watch out for your enemies as they will want to conquer your cities to destroy your temples. The game depends not on the luck of dice or cards, but on thoughtful plans and skillful diplomacy. Antike II differs from the 2005 Antike in several ways, according to designer Mac Gerdts. To start, players now own city tokens, which allows them some degree of choice as to which resource a newly founded city shall produce. Military units have become more expensive, and the rules for the conquest of cities are considerably easier. The scientific progresses were altered as well. Neutral temples now exist, which may be destroyed, gaining VPs of a general, without harming other players. The game features two new maps in a new graphical design, and a new card named "BELLONA" (the ancient Roman goddess of war) has been introduced to counter the starting player's advantage. Gerdts notes that the main goal of all of these changes was to make the rules for a conquest of cities easier, while also opening more possibilities to win the game without the need to attack other players.