玩家评分: 7.5



圣胡安 第二版
San Juan (Second Edition)

桌游极客排名: 436

本月排名变化: 4

玩家评分: 7.5

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 45-60 分钟

难度: 2.08 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10

专业评分: 7.02



出版年份: 2014


| 栢龙(中文)


| Andreas Seyfarth


| Harald Lieske | Mia Steingräber


|卡牌游戏 |城市建设 |经济

圣胡安是基于波多黎各的纸牌游戏。 110张卡的甲板包括生产建筑物(靛蓝,糖,烟草,咖啡和银)和“紫罗兰”授予特权或额外胜利点的建筑物。手中的卡可以建造或用作建立别的东西的钱;来自甲板的卡用于代表生产建筑物生产的货物,在这种情况下,它们是面朝下的。每轮一次执行一次七张牌限制。在每轮(或总督)中,每个玩家依次从一个可用角色中选择一个通常影响所有玩家的事件,例如作为生产货物或建筑物。选择角色的人获得特权,例如生产更多的商品或更便宜地建造。尽管在概念上与波多黎各相似,但是游戏有许多不同的机制。特别是游戏不包括殖民者,没有运送货物;货物生产和交易通常每个阶段限于一张卡;而交易不能被阻止。胜利点由建筑物完全获得,一旦一个玩家建立了十二座建筑物,游戏就结束。


San Juan is a card game based on Puerto Rico. The deck of 110 cards consists of production buildings (indigo, sugar, tobacco, coffee, and silver) and "violet" buildings that grant special powers or extra victory points. Cards from the hand can be either built or used as money to build something else; cards from the deck are used to represent goods produced by the production buildings, in which case they are left face-down. A seven-card hand limit is enforced once per round. In each round (or governorship), each player in turn selects from one of the available roles, triggering an event that usually affects all players, such as producing goods or constructing buildings. The person who picks the role gets a privilege, such as producing more goods or building more cheaply. Though similar in concept to Puerto Rico, the game has many different mechanisms. In particular, the game includes no colonists and no shipping of goods; goods production and trading are normally limited to one card per phase; and trades cannot be blocked. Victory points are gained exclusively by building, and the game ends as soon as one player has put up twelve buildings. This second edition of San Juan includes all the cards of the original game as well as the additional building cards from the alea Treasure Chest but not the event cards from that expansion. This edition also contains a new building card not previously available: "The Hut," a building that grants a card when nothing is sold in the trader phase.


59 x 92mm (2 5/16" x 3 9/16")