玩家评分: 7.6

Battle Hymn

桌游极客排名: 3327

本月排名变化: 29

玩家评分: 7.6

玩家人数: 1 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 240 分钟

难度: 3.29 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.87



出版年份: 1986


| Hobby Japan | Victory Games (I)


| Joseph Reiser | Eric Lee Smith


| Ted Koller | James Talbot


|战争 |二战

对战赞美诗是二战期间太平洋战斗,冒险和英雄主义的单打游戏。使用革命性的编程段落方法,在伏击!游戏系统,战神赞美诗给你一群美国海军陆战队,并挑战你通过各种各样的任务来反对一个欺骗性和不断变化的日本敌人。意外的事件和无数的战术选择提供了几乎无尽的纸牌享受,并且容易学习的规则即使在他们的第一个任务很快就启动了相对没有经验的玩家。选择你的小队,胳膊,选择他们的使命。移动你的男人,推动他们,如果你愿意,直到有事情触发一个事件 - 直到一个平静的步行在蒸的丛林中证明是一个为了你的生活的斗争

Battle Hymn is a solitaire game of combat, adventure, and heroism in the Pacific during World War II. Using the revolutionary programmed paragraph approach pioneered in the Ambush! game system, Battle Hymn gives you a squad of American Marines and challenges you to fight your way through a variety of Missions against a deceptive and ever-changing Japanese foe. Unexpected events and innumerable tactical options offer virtually endless solitaire enjoyment, and the easily learned rules start even relatively inexperienced players on their first Mission quickly. Select you squad, arm them, and choose their Mission. Move your men out, advancing them as you wish, until something triggers an Event - until a peaceful walk in the steaming jungle turns out to be a fight for your life!