玩家评分: 7.4

Napoléon: The Waterloo Campaign, 1815

桌游极客排名: 1851

本月排名变化: 14

玩家评分: 7.4

玩家人数: 2 - 3 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 120 分钟

难度: 2.48 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 6.23



出版年份: 1974


| The Avalon Hill Game Co | Columbia Games | Gamma Two Games


| Tom Dalgliesh | Ron Gibson | Lance Gutteridge


| Jacques-Louis David | Eric Hotz | Howard David Johnson


|拿破仑时期 |战争

1815年6月18日,军事史上最具决定性的战斗之一是在比利时布鲁塞尔东南二十英里的地区进行战斗。在短短的100天内,法国前皇帝拿破仑已经从埃尔巴岛的流亡返回,再次夺取权力,迅速组建了一支军队,并打败了分散的英国和普鲁士军队,准备入侵法国。 10号拿破仑6月15日入侵比利时,16日击败了普鲁士人,并在一天的追逐之后,面对了由惠灵顿指挥的英国和荷兰军队。惠灵顿在伟大的滑铁卢战役的帮助下,通过精湛的防守策略和普鲁士援兵的及时到达,在伟大的拿破仑的军事野心中永远终结了法国人。


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木块作为柜台提供减少和雾的战争,没有缪斯或大惊小怪#两到三个玩家游戏 - 拿破仑可以由两三个玩家玩。有三个,盟军有两个球员,一个是英国人,一个是普鲁士人,一些特殊规则适用。

请注意,游戏基本上有三个不同版本,这意味着规则有些不同。各种版本的主要区别:第一和第二版有48个块 - 较短(60+分钟)的播放时间 - vs .--第三版有84个块 - 更准确的分级水平

第三版有Blü cher,拿破仑和惠灵顿领导块,轻微的战斗和运动奖金。虽然单位增加了近两倍,但第三版地图的大小保持不变,导致人满为患。第4版有56个块和一个较大的地图 - 播放时间通常是90分钟以下。

On June 18, 1815, one of the most decisive battles in military history was fought in Belgian fields twenty miles southeast of Brussels. Within a short 100 days, Napoleon, former emperor of France, had returned from exile on the island of Elba, again seized power, quickly assembled an army, and marched to defeat the dispersed British and Prussian armies now preparing to invade France. Napoleon invaded Belgium on June 15th, defeated the Prussians at the Battle of Ligny on the 16th and after a day of pursuit, faced the British and Dutch army commanded by Wellington. Aided by superb defensive tactics and the timely arrival of Prussian reinforcements, Wellington defeated the French in the great Battle of Waterloo, ending forever the military ambitions of the great Napoleon. Highlights: Mapboard which is a color map of southern Belgium. Wooden Blocks as counters provide step-reduction and fog of war with no muss or fuss Two or three player game - Napoleon can be played by two or three players. With three, the allied side has two players, one British and one Prussian, and some special rules apply. Note that there are essentially three different versions of the game which means that the rules are somewhat different. Key Differences in the various editions: 1st and 2nd edition had 48 blocks--shorter (60+ min.) play time -- vs.-- 3rd edition has 84 blocks--more accurate division level 3rd edition had Blücher, Napoleon, and Wellington leader blocks that give slight combat and movement bonuses. Although units have increased nearly two fold, the 3rd edition map remains same size, leading to overcrowding. 4th edition has 56 blocks and a larger map - play time is usually 90 minutes or less.