玩家评分: 7.8

Wir sind das Volk!

桌游极客排名: 763

本月排名变化: 8

玩家评分: 7.8

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 60-150 分钟

难度: 3.72 (重度策略)

适合年龄: 12

专业评分: 6.75



出版年份: 2014


| Histogame


| Richard Sivél | Peer Sylvester


| Friedemann Bochow | Richard Shako


|经济 |政治

1949年:随着冷战的铁幕下降,德国仍然是二战的废墟。东德和西德成为敌对对手,每个人都希望显示其系统优越。哪个会重建更快?哪个会使人民幸福呢?社会主义对资本主义;集体主义与个人主义 - 这将胜利?

Wir sind das Volk! (“我们是人民”,1989年东德示威者的主要口号)重现了德国的分裂历史,从柏林空运到柏林墙倒塌。从84个独立设计的动作卡的播放流程,每个游戏都是不同的。有很多可能的策略。东德建筑墙还是以其他方式流亡呢?东方与西方:作为一名球员,你扮演东德或西德的角色。明智地使用你的动作卡。建立经济,提高人民生活水平。不要落后,否则会面临广泛的动乱。也赢得国际声望的比赛。精准规划是胜利的关键。不过要小心!即使最好的计划也许会受到1973年“石油危机”或“星期一”演示事件的破坏。大规模的抗议活动,可能封住你的命运,总是在地平线上。

1949: Germany, still in ruins from WWII, is split in two, as the Iron Curtain of the Cold War descends. East Germany and West Germany become bitter rivals, each wanting to show its system is superior. Which will reconstruct quicker? Which will make its people happier? Socialism vs Capitalism; collectivism vs individualism - which will triumph? Wir sind das Volk! ("We are the people!" — the main slogan of the East German demonstrators in 1989) recreates the history of the divided Germany, from the Berlin Airlift to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Flowing from how the 84 individually designed action cards are played, each game is different. There are many possible strategies. Will East Germany build the Wall or stem the exodus of its citizens another way? East vs West: as a player, you take the role of East or West Germany. Use your action cards wisely. Build up your economy and increase the living standards of your people. Don’t fall behind, or you will face widespread unrest. Also win the contest for international prestige. Precise planning is the key to victory. But be careful! Even the best plans may be derailed by events like the 1973 Oil Crisis or the Monday demos. Mass protests, that may seal your fate, are always on the horizon.

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