玩家评分: 6.4

Eminent Domain: Microcosm

桌游极客排名: 3115

本月排名变化: 13

玩家评分: 6.4

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 15 分钟

难度: 1.96 (毛线)

适合年龄: 13+

专业评分: 5.91



出版年份: 2014


| Tasty Minstrel Games | (Web published) | Edge Entertainment


| Seth Jaffee


| Ariel Seoane


杰出领域:微观世界是一个快速的双人卡片游戏,带给你所有的兴奋,建立一个太空帝国在15- 20分钟。每一回合,你都可以从供应卡上拿出一张卡片,然后玩卡,执行指令,或者拿起你的丢弃的纸堆来补充你的手。每张卡片上都有一个评分条件,并赢得你想要最大限度地发挥这些条件。


The galaxy just got a whole lot smaller... Two mighty empires are about to collide. Play your cards right and become the ultimate ruler of this microcosm! Eminent Domain: Microcosm is a quick-playing two-player card game which brings you all the thrill of building a space empire in just 15-20 minutes. Each turn you take a card into your hand from the supply, then you either play a card and carry out its instructions, or pick up your discard pile to refill your hand. Each card also has a scoring condition on it, and to win you'll want to maximize those conditions. As in the grandfather game Eminent Domain, actions you take can be "boosted" by revealing other cards sharing the same icon. Colonize and attack planets, do research, and take advantage of politics to score the most influence by the end of the game!