玩家评分: 7.3

Super Motherload

桌游极客排名: 842

本月排名变化: 3

玩家评分: 7.3

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 60-75 分钟

难度: 2.27 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 13

专业评分: 6.70



出版年份: 2015


| Roxley | Games Factory Publishing | XGen Studios


| Gavan Brown | Matt Tolman


| Gavan Brown | Scott Carmichael | Lina Cossette


|科幻 |电子游戏改编

火星。不久的将来。 “太阳能公司”发现了红色地壳深处的稀有珍贵矿物的无限来源。资源将结束地球上的能源危机,并为人口超出能力而计划进行的深空考察。你被选中领导一个精湛的Pod飞行员的船员,他们将在Solarus公司的第一次大型钻探考察中深入到火星表面以下。作为这次首航的一部分,该公司已经同意让您将您发现的任何财富重新投资到培训您的Pod飞行员,提高他们的技能和效率。你会被记住为最大的Solarus公司在银河系的员工?“############################################################ 。你的甲板上的卡开始非常基本,但是在游戏过程中,你可以添加新的和更强大的卡片。您可以使用这些卡片从游戏机中炸弹和钻探矿物和其他奖金。然后,您将使用您收集的矿物作为金钱购买更好的卡片为您的甲板。有些卡片在购买时可以立即获得奖金,有些卡片可以在您使用钻石时给予其他奖金。从您的图书馆购买的每张卡都值得胜利(VP)。您还可以从整个游戏中获得的成就卡获得VP。超级母亲拥有游戏主播,在游戏过程中添加和删除,以创建类似电子游戏的滚动动作,并且它会挑战2进制的空间关系技能, 4名玩家喜欢电玩游戏,Eurostyle棋盘游戏或甲板建设卡片游戏。

Mars. The very near future. The Solarus Corporation discovered an infinite source of rare and precious minerals deep in the red crust. Resources that will end the energy crisis on Earth and fuel the deep space expeditions planned as population swells beyond capacity. You have been chosen to lead an elite crew of Pod pilots who will delve below the surface of Mars in Solarus Corporation's first major drilling expedition. As a part of this maiden voyage, the corporation has agreed to let you reinvest any wealth you uncover back into training your Pod pilots, increasing their skills and efficiencies. Will you be remembered as the greatest Solarus Corporation employee in the galaxy? Super Motherload is a tile-laying deck-building game, which means that you have your own deck of cards from which you draw each turn. The cards in your deck start out very basic, but over the course of the game you add new and more powerful cards to it. You use these cards to bomb and drill minerals and other bonuses from the game board. You then use the minerals you've collected as money to purchase better cards for your deck. Some cards give you an immediate bonus when you purchase them, and some give you other bonuses when you use them to drill. Each card you purchase from your library is worth victory points (VPs). You can also gain VPs from achievement cards that become available throughout the game. Whoever has the most VPs at the end of the game wins. Super Motherload features game boards that are added and removed during play to create videogame-like scrolling action, and it challenges spatial relation skills for 2-4 players who love video games, Eurostyle board games, or deck-building card games.