玩家评分: 7.2

Dungeons & Dragons Dice Masters: Battle for Faerûn

桌游极客排名: 1862

本月排名变化: 11

玩家评分: 7.2

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 30-60 分钟

难度: 2.2 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 14+

专业评分: 6.22



出版年份: 2015


| WizKids (I)


| Mike Elliott | Eric M. Lang


| 暂缺


|收藏 |骰子 |梦幻 |战斗

地牢与龙骰子大师:Faer&ucirc的战斗; n是利用WizKids Games的专有骰子建筑游戏平台的游戏,其中两个玩家扮演军阀,收集和组装他们的“派对”冒险者骰子和头对头游戏中的战斗。每回合,玩家掷骰子,看看他们有什么资源,买骰子,派他们的党员进场,然后罢工敌方军阀。每种类型的模具都有多张卡,所以玩家可以选择使用哪一种。这可以使玩家专注于骰子,以适应演奏风格。

扩展包中可以找到扩展您的收藏的额外的卡和骰子。每个箔盒包含两张卡和两个骰子,玩家可以添加到他们的骰子大师战斗为Faerû n集合。玩家可以从被遗忘的领域宇宙中创建他们最喜欢的幻想人物的队伍。你可以期待看到一些最可识别的怪物和角色,如Kobolds,Beholders,Mindflayers,Dragons,Drow等等!

The Dungeons&龙骰子大师系列将由起动机组,升压包,游戏垫和储物箱组成。

Dungeons & Dragons Dice Masters: Battle for Faerûn is a game that utilizes WizKids Games' proprietary Dice Building Game platform in which two players take the role of warlords, collect and assemble their "party" of adventurer dice and battle in head-to-head gameplay. Each turn, players roll the dice to see what resources they have available, buy dice, send their party members into the field, and then strike at the enemy warlord. There are multiple cards available for each type of die so players get to choose which one to use. This lets players specialize dice to suit play style. Additional cards and dice to expand your collection can be found in expansion packs. Each Foil Pack contains two cards and two dice that players can add to their Dice Masters Battle for Faerûn collections. Players can create teams of their favorite fantasy characters from the Forgotten Realms universe. You can expect to see some of the most recognizable monsters and characters, such as Kobolds, Beholders, Mindflayers, Dragons, Drow, and many more! The Dungeons & Dragons Dice Masters line will consist of starter sets, booster packs, play mats, and a storage box.