玩家评分: 6.6



Samurai Spirit

桌游极客排名: 1732

本月排名变化: 9

玩家评分: 6.6

玩家人数: 1 - 7 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 2.13 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 9+

专业评分: 6.27



出版年份: 2014


| MYBG(中文)


| Antoine Bauza


| Víctor Pérez Corbella


|动物 |梦幻 |战斗



&# 10,游戏的挑战包括平衡你的选择:你应该对抗每个敌人,以迅速达到你的野兽的能力,同时还要靠近死亡,并且不要通过不捍卫村庄来进一步损失呢?如果你主要是捍卫或帮助其他的武士,面对中尉和恶棍老板时,面对维持人类的时间太长,因此更弱,当你知道这个弱点会是一个大问题吗?每个敌人对你,你的队伍,最终整个村庄来说是一个艰难的选择!每一轮都以农场和栅栏被摧毁,由于这些不是无限制的,所以你必须用至少一个没有破损的农场和足够的农民来做这件事情来完成比赛。你有什么需要反对邪恶,成为一个真正的英雄吗?


You and your fellow samurai companions are the only standing obstacle between one frightened village and a full horde of blood-thirsty villains. The fight seems unfair as the seven of you might not seem to measure up to the dozens of enemies who want to slice you to pieces — but this comparison doesn't take into account your strong combat skills and an efficient team spirit that binds your samurai squad enough to face the threat. Above all else, when everything seems desperate and lost, your enemies will discover that inside each of you lies a true beast, a warrior spirit ready to unleash its full power! Samurai Spirit is a co-operative game in which each player is a fierce samurai defending a village surrounded by a horde of bandits. The game plays out over three turns during which each player takes turns drawing bandit cards, then choosing whether they want to fight the bandit, defend the village, or let the bandit pass in order to help the other samurai. The challenge of the game consists of balancing your choices: Should you fight each enemy to quickly reach your beast capacities, while also coming closer to the death and risking further loss by not defending the village sufficiently? Should you mainly defend or help the other samurai, taking the risk of remaining human too long and therefore weaker, when you know that weakness will be a major problem when facing the lieutenant and the villain bosses? Each enemy presents a tough choice to you, your team, and ultimately the whole village! Each turn ends with farms and fences being destroyed, and since those aren't unlimited, you must do what's necessary to end the game with at least one undamaged farm and enough farmers to tend it. Do you have what it takes to stand against evil and become a true hero? Fight with courage, smartly assist your teammates, defend the poor villagers, turn into a savage beast, and wreak havoc on the enemy lines — all of this is up to you! Ultimately it would be your honor to chose to die in a ultimate sacrifice in order to save the village. All of this is what makes the true samurai spirit!