玩家评分: 7

Waggle Dance

桌游极客排名: 2139

本月排名变化: 15

玩家评分: 7

玩家人数: 2 - 4 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 30-90 分钟

难度: 2.31 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.11



出版年份: 2014


| Grublin Games Publishing


| Mike Nudd


| Mateusz Szulik


|动物 |骰子 |环境


在摇摆舞,一个欧式的工作者放置骰子游戏2-4,玩家控制工蜂建立蜂巢,生产更多的蜜蜂,收集花蜜,回到蜂巢,做蜂蜜! (你想问什么是“摇摆舞”?这是一系列图案动作,由侦察蜂进行,向殖民地的其他蜜蜂介绍食物来源或蜂巢位置的方向和距离。)

&#10 ;玩家需要组织他们的蜜蜂尽可能多的蜂蜜,以便在未来的冬天看到蜂巢。获胜者是第一个在蜂巢中成功创建7个或更多蜂蜜令牌的玩家。这取决于您如何实现这一目标:您是专注于花蜜收集,增加您的蜜蜂种群,扩大您的蜂巢,寻求与女王的青睐,还是分配您的资源来完成所有这些?无论您选择什么,自然世界都是一个竞争环境,您可以确定其他玩家将寻求最大限度发挥其优势。


Build a beehive, collect nectar, and make honey while also being efficient, being strategic, and outmaneuvering your opponents! In Waggle Dance, a Euro-style worker-placement dice game for 2-4, players control worker bees to build their hive, produce more bees, collect nectar, return it to the hive and make honey! (What is a "waggle dance" you ask? It's a series of patterned movements performed by a scouting bee to tell other bees in the colony the direction and distance of a food source or hive site.) Players need to organize their bees to make as much honey as possible to see the hive through the coming winter. The winner is the first player to successfully create 7 or more honey tokens in their hive. It's up to you how to achieve this: Do you focus on nectar collection, increasing your bee population, expanding your hive, seeking favor with the queen, or splitting your resources to accomplish all of these? Whatever you choose, the natural world is a competitive environment and you can be sure the other players will be looking to maximize their advantage. Waggle Dance is designed to be a highly accessible language independent game with a simple rule-sheet appealing to all levels of gamers.