玩家评分: 7.5

Black Orchestra

桌游极客排名: 481

本月排名变化: 4

玩家评分: 7.5

玩家人数: 1 - 5 (最佳: 3人)

时长: 90 分钟

难度: 2.41 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 14

专业评分: 6.97



出版年份: 2016


| Game Salute | Ludonova | Matagot


| Philip duBarry


| Cody Jones | Dann May | Lucas Soriano


|间谍/特工 |二战




采取行动后,会画出事件卡。这场比赛是在七场世界大战中演出的,由七堆事件卡组成。这些卡以大致(但不是严格的)按时间顺序带领您参加第二次世界大战的事件。新阶段开辟了新的领域,希特勒和他的代表与共产主义者进行互动,并提出了各种机会或威胁。在最后阶段,许多棋盘空间变得越界,因为盟军越来越接近德国。要赢,玩家必须收集一张情节卡并履行列出的所有必要要求(如希特勒为在一定空间内并具有某些物品 - 雷管和保险丝等)。然后,主动玩家可以通过滚动指示的骰子来尝试图,包括所有其他修饰符和有用的动作卡。 “目标”的总数杀死希特勒的符号是基于希特勒的军事支持,但是Conspirator的安全级别决定是否有任何“老鹰”滚动将会看到它们被检测到,并且贴图。玩家必须考虑到他们成功完成情节的能力和涉及的不同Conspirator的相对怀疑水平。玩家需要共同努力,并就最明智的行动方式达成一致,并且有一点点运气,成功。一个玩家因为合作性而主宰游戏的现象,由于没有确定性,而且玩家往往需要大胆或鲁莽地采取行动来保持阴谋活跃。酷头常常胜过,但玩得太酷,你可能会错过你的机会。如果玩家被逮捕,合作社的动态变得非常有趣,而且不能拒绝讯问,那么他们将不得不自己做出一个很大的决定,而不会向团队透露他们的选择。没有人可以保证成功。希望玩家能够与真正的阴谋者进行紧密的对话,享受真正独特的历史体验。

As Hitler's grasp on Germany tightens and his maniacal fervor is unmasked, men from the highest levels of the Reich begin to plot his assassination. As the clock ticks and Hitler's ambitions grow, these daring few must build their strength and prepare for the perfect moment to strike. The Gestapo hound their trail, calling these conspirators "Schwarze Kapelle", the Black Orchestra. Will this band of daring patriots save their country from utter ruin before it is too late? Black Orchestra begins with each player choosing a historic figure involved in the conspiracy against Hitler. In this dark and dangerous pursuit, motivation is perhaps your greatest weapon. If you can stay true to your convictions in the face of overwhelming threat and inspire your comrades, then you will be able to use your special ability, attempt plots, and even become zealous (necessary for some extremely daring plots). But every move you make may also increase the suspicion of the authorities. The Gestapo will make routine sweeps, and any players with high suspicion will be arrested and interrogated (possibly resulting in other players being arrested). If you are all arrested or if the Gestapo finds your secret papers, you lose. And the suspicion placed on each conspirator will increase the chances their plots are detected. On a turn, players may take three actions, such as moving, searching for an item, or drawing a card; or, at the cost of one action per die, roll the dice in an attempt to gain even more actions — at the risk of attracting the suspicion of the gestapo. This dice rolling "Conspire" action allows players to make bold moves when most needed. After the actions have been taken, an event card is drawn. The game is played over seven stages of World War 2, represented by seven stacks of event cards. These cards walk you through the events of WWII in a roughly (but not strictly) chronological order. New stages open up new areas of the board, cause Hitler and his deputies to interact with the Conspirators, and present various opportunities or threats. During the final stage, many board spaces become off-limits, as the Allies move closer to Germany. To win, players must collect a plot card and fulfill all necessary requirements listed (such as having Hitler be in a certain space and possessing certain items--detonator & fuse, etc.). The active player may then attempt the plot by rolling the indicated dice, including all additional modifiers and helpful Action cards. The total of number of "Target" symbols needed to kill Hitler is based on Hitler's military support, but a Conspirator's security level decides if any "Eagles" rolled will see them detected, and foil the plot regardless. Players must consider their ability to successfully complete a plot and the relative suspicion levels of the different Conspirators involved. Players will need to work together and agree on the wisest course of action, as well as have a little luck, to succeed. The phenomenon of one player dominating the game because of its cooperative nature is mitigated by the fact that there are no certainties, and often a player will need to make a bold or reckless move to keep the conspiracy alive. Cool heads often prevail, but play it too cool and you may miss your chance. The co-operative dynamic gets really interesting if a player is ever arrested, and fails to resist interrogation, then they will need to make a big decision all by themselves, without revealing their options to the group. No one player can guarantee success. It is hoped that players will have tense conversations similar to those had by the real conspirators and enjoy a truly unique historical experience.