玩家评分: 7



Onirim (Second Edition)

桌游极客排名: 762

本月排名变化: 6

玩家评分: 7

玩家人数: 1 - 2 (最佳: 1人)

时长: 15 分钟

难度: 1.59 (毛线)

适合年龄: 10

专业评分: 6.75



出版年份: 2014


| inPatience | Z-Man Games | Devir


| Shadi Torbey


| Philippe Guérin | Élise Plessis


|卡牌游戏 |探险 |梦幻




“Happy Dreams and Dark Premonitions”增加邪恶的时间炸弹,这将阻碍你的进步在你的任务的可预测的时刻,以及有帮助但不可靠的盟友。

在“失物招领之书”中,您必须按照随机排列的顺序找到8张门卡,并可以从游戏中删除丢弃的牌,以施放强大的法术,以帮助您完成这项艰巨的任务。 #10;&#10除了第一版的这三个版本,Onirim第二版包含四个新模块。就像以前一样,每个模块都包含一些让游戏更容易的东西,使游戏变得更加困难:“#10;


“Dreamcatchers”是四个卡,“保护” Limbo桩。 Limbo桩与Dreamcatcher保持一致,直到某些效果允许玩家将纸堆洗回到甲板上。如果所有的Dreamcatcher都是全新的,并且新的卡片应该来到Limbo,一个Dreamcatcher被丢弃,他的卡片被洗牌。另外,四个新的“失落的梦想”卡片应该是在比赛结束时在Limbo,作为一个额外的获胜条件 - 所以丢弃所有的Dreamcatchers意味着损失。

“十字路口和死胡同”引入具有给定符号(3 Sun,2 Moon,1 Key)的位置卡,但用作任何颜色的“小丑”。它还包含10个“死端”持卡人,手中持有(不可丢弃),并阻止其5张牌手限制,直到一名玩家丢弃了一只手(=丢弃死胡同的唯一方式)。#10 ;


You are a Dreamwalker, lost in a mysterious labyrinth, and you must discover the oneiric doors before your dreamtime runs out – or you will remain trapped forever! You may wander through the chambers of dreams, hoping that chance will reveal the doors, or you can linger in each type of room. In both cases, you will have to deal with the slithering Nightmares, which haunt the hallways of the labyrinth. Onirim is a solo/cooperative card game. You (and a partner, if you wish) must work (together) against the game to gather the eight Door cards before the deck runs out; you can obtain those Door cards either by playing cards of the same color three turns in a row, or by discarding (under specific circumstances) one of your powerful Key cards. In both cases you will have to decide the best use of each card in your hand and carefully play around the Nightmares. Those cards are hidden in the deck and will trigger painful dilemmas when drawn... Seven mini-expansions, all standalone and compatible with one another, are included with the second edition of Onirim, including these three that were in the first edition of the game: "The Towers" introduces a new type of card that allows more searching and deck manipulation, while also imposing an additional victory condition. "Happy Dreams and Dark Premonitions" adds evil time bombs that will impede your progress at predictable moments of your quest as well as helpful but unreliable allies. In "The Book of Steps Lost and Found", you must find the eight Door cards in a randomly given order and may remove discarded cards from the game to cast powerful spells that will help you complete this difficult task. In addition to these three variants from the first edition, there are four new modules in the Onirim 2nd edition box. Just like previously, each module consists of something that makes the game easier and something that makes the game harder: "The Glyphs" introduces a fourth symbol on location cards (apart from Key, Sun and Moon), which makes it easier to compose the row of unrepeated symbols. Player must then find one extra door of each color (so 12 doors in total) to win "The Dreamcatchers" are four cards that "guard" the Limbo piles. The Limbo pile stays with Dreamcatcher until some effect allows the player to shuffle the pile back to the deck... if all Dreamcatchers are full and new cards should come to Limbo, a Dreamcatcher is discarded and his cards shuffled back. Also, four new "Lost Dreams" cards are supposed to be in Limbo at the end of the game, as an extra winning condition - so discarding all Dreamcatchers means loss. "The Crossroads and Dead Ends" introduce location cards with a given symbol (3 Sun, 2 Moon, 1 Key), but serving as any color "joker". It also contains 10 "Dead End" cards, that remain in players hand (un-discard-able on its own) and block her 5-cards hand limit... until a player discards the whole hand (=the only way to discard a Dead End). "The Door To The Oniverse" brings several one-time abilities cards as "inhabitants of the Oniverse"... and one extra colorless door to find. Apart from all those, there are a few special rules to use the dark meeple in the game (which interferes with Nightmare cards resolving), making the game easier or harder, depending on the chosen variant.