玩家评分: 6.6

Clue Master Detective

桌游极客排名: 2857

本月排名变化: 5

玩家评分: 6.6

玩家人数: 3 - 10 (最佳: 5人)

时长: 60 分钟

难度: 1.86 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 5.95



出版年份: 1988


| Hasbro | Parker Brothers | Waddingtons


| (Uncredited)


| Tim Hildebrandt


|推理 |谋杀/疑案


发行商的描述:“#玫瑰玫瑰在马车馆与毒药?先生布鲁内特在与马蹄球的奖杯室?或者是我们的老朋友Mustard whodunit上校,他的信任服务左轮手枪?

你需要你最清晰的侦探技巧来解决不断变化的CLUE MASTER DETECTIVE谜,因为在这个扩展版本我们的经典游戏检测,有更多的房间,更多的武器,更多的嫌疑犯 - 更多的混乱!

Boddy先生的乡村庄园已经共有12个可能的谋杀地点,户外和室内,秘密通道,加上新的“窥探空间”让你扩大你的调查。一瓶毒药和马蹄铁使武器数量达到八。除了桃子小姐,布鲁内特先生,玫瑰夫人和格雷警长之外,Sup vious vious vious has has to to to。。。。。。。。。。。。。,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,询问和扣除将被调用。


& #10;转过来,你探测,收集证据,并确定某些罪魁祸首,手段和房间。那么,当你认为你有这个想法的时候,请你指责:Whodunit?哪里?使用哪种武器?


This is the same as the basic Clue game, but with more of everything. The publisher's description: Was it Madame Rose in the Carriage House with the Poison? Monsieur Brunette in the Trophy Room with the Horseshoe? Or was it our old friend Colonel Mustard whodunit in the Library with his trusty service Revolver? You'll need your sharpest detective skills to solve the ever-changing CLUE MASTER DETECTIVE mystery, because in this expanded version of our classic game of detection, there are more rooms, more weapons, more suspects -- more mayhem! The late Mr. Boddy's country manor has a total of twelve possible Murder Locations, both outdoors and indoors, with secret passages, plus new "Snoop Spaces" that let you broaden your investigation. A vial of Poison and a Horseshoe bring the number of Weapons up to eight. And the devious bunch of Supsects has grown to ten with the addition of Miss Peach, Monsieur Brunette, Madame Rose and Sergeant Gray. With all these additional people, places and things to unravel, your most expert powers of interrogation and deduction will be called into play. So shuffle the Suspect, Weapon and Murder Location cards, slip one of each into the Confidential Case File envelope -- and start sleuthing! Turn by turn you probe, collecting evidence and pinpointing certain culprits, means, and rooms. Then, when you think you've got it, make your accusation: Whodunit? Where? With which weapon? CLUE MASTER DETECTIVE ... it's so entertaining, it's criminal!