玩家评分: 6.3


桌游极客排名: 4035

本月排名变化: 36

玩家评分: 6.3

玩家人数: 3 - 6 (最佳: 4人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 1.2 (毛线)

适合年龄: 8+

专业评分: 5.79


中度, 需要翻译或者贴条

出版年份: 2014


| Red Glove | Asylum Games (Board Games) | Black Monk


| Francesco Giovo | Marco Valtriani


| Guido Favaro


|动作 |幽默 |聚会


|表演 |骰子驱动 |手牌管理

古代巫术,黑暗的奥秘和无尽的诅咒—你将成为埃及人的黑魔法或者坏死德鲁伊古代艺术的追随者或者Vud&ugrave的神秘巫师之一;仪式!为自己准备黑魔法的最大争议。 Vudù比赛刚刚开始!


Ancient sorcery, dark omens and endless curses — you will become one of the adepts of the dark magic of the Egyptians or a follower of the ancient art of the Badly Dead Druids or an arcane sorcerer of Vudù rituals! Prepare yourselves for the biggest dispute of black magic ever. The Vudù tournament has just begun! In Vudù, the players act as the most wicked and malicious sorcerers of all time, and they want to use their curses and black magic to make the lives of their enemies impossible to prevail over them! Each turn, you roll five dice, collect your ingredients, then choose whether to take new cards, take new items, or cast a spell. Each spell has a powerful and tricky curse attached to it that forces your target to play in a specific way, for example, talking with his tongue out for the rest of the game, or using only a single hand, or running around the table each turn. Each curse grants you points when you cast it and many more points if your target forgets to obey it or becomes too exhausted to continue. Collect as many malediction points as you can to reach the final tile of the scoreboard before anyone else!