玩家评分: 6.8

Beyond Balderdash

桌游极客排名: 1680

本月排名变化: 13

玩家评分: 6.8

玩家人数: 2 - 6 (最佳: 6人)

时长: 45 分钟

难度: 1.48 (毛线)

适合年龄: 10+

专业评分: 6.28



出版年份: 1993


| Canada Games Company Lmt. | Casper | Drumond Park Ltd.


| Laura Robinson | Paul Toyne


| 暂缺


|哄骗 |聚会 |文字游戏


|纸笔记录 |投票

Beyder Balderdash是Balderdash的第二版。 Balderdash是基于欺骗你的对手来猜测你的错误定义来掩盖字眼。 Beyond Balderdash为组合添加了几个新类别:电影(组成剧情),日期(说出了什么事),人们(说人怎么做)和缩写(弥补他们所代表的)。真正的答案通常比虚张声势更为荒谬,所以游戏提供了大量的笑声。

英国版的绝对Balderdash是一个不同的变化与不同的问题。值得注意的是,英国绝对Balderdash具有“法律”类别,您完成卡上给出的法律。除了Balderdash之外,还没有这个类别,并且在其位置上有“日期”类别,在那里你得到一个日期,必须提出历史意义。加拿大和澳大利亚的Absolute Balderdash版本也采用了Date类别而不是Law。

绝对和超越被至少在2003年被合并到游戏Balderdash(有一个1997版的Beyond Balderdash仍然与日期类别)。现在,巴尔德达什的香草版是法律而不是日期的五大类。自从至少2003年以来,没有一个单一类别(字定义)的Balderdash。


Kokkelimonke Jubileum



Beyond Balderdash is the expanded second edition of Balderdash. Balderdash is based on bluffing your opponents into guessing your false definitions to obscure words. Beyond Balderdash adds several new categories to the mix: Movies (make up a plot), Dates (say what happened on it), People (say what the person did), and Initials (make up what they stand for). The real answers are often even more outrageous than the bluffs, so the game offers plenty of laughs. The UK version of Absolute Balderdash is a different variation with different questions. Notably, the UK Absolute Balderdash features a "Law" category, where you complete the law given on the card. Beyond Balderdash is lacking that category, and features in its place a "Date" category, where you are given a date and must come up with the historical significance. The Canadian and Australian versions of Absolute Balderdash also feature the Date category instead of Law. Absolute and Beyond were merged into the game Balderdash at least by 2003 (there is a 1997 edition of Beyond Balderdash still with the Dates category). Now, the vanilla version of Balderdash is the five-category edition with Laws instead of Dates. Balderdash with a single category (word definitions) has not existed since at least 2003. Re-implemented by: Kokkelimonke Jubileum Re-implements: Balderdash