"Made in Israel", the rules sound very similar to the American version of "Go Fish". (40 card deck) Deal four cards to each player, and place the remaining cards face down on the table, as a "pool". Each player examines his cards and arranges them according to series, discarding any complete series. The aim of each player is to collect four cards of a series. The first player asks any one of the players to give him a card, which he needs to complete a series. He may not ask for a card unless he holds one or more of the series. If the person who has been asked, has the card in his hand, he must hand it over, and the first player continues to ask for further cards. If the person asked, does not possess the card, the first player picks a card from the "pool" and the person asked continues to ask for a card in the same way. The winner is he who has the largest number of completed series at the end.