I wonder if anyone else could imagine just what this would actually entail? All this...is just a very simple version of Battleship in Space, without the neat little bits. Each Player or team will play the role of Spaceship Commanders and direct their Fleets to either "Near-Space Conquest" or "Worldwide Defeat in the Heavens". It has two identical game boards. There are four crayons, two each of red and black. The instructions are printed inside the box top cover. The game boards are quite colorful with a 10 x 10 Target Placement Grid. There are also boxes, denoting the four targets, that you could use to keep track of which of the Enemy Ships has been destroyed. The targets consist of: 'one Space Battleship of four squares; one Space Cruiser of three squares; and two Space Destroyers of two squares EACH. You draw an enclosed section on the Target Grid consisting of the appropriate number of boxes' of the four Spaceships with their dimensions using the black crayons for this, and use the red ones to mark off hits and misses on the Monitor Target Tracking Grid. When the Game is finished, you can "Wipe Off" the current markings and you're ready to begin again-hence it's name.