玩家评分: 7

Le Fantôme de l'Opéra

桌游极客排名: 2343

本月排名变化: 18

玩家评分: 7

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 30 分钟

难度: 2.22 (轻度策略)

适合年龄: 9+

专业评分: 6.06



出版年份: 2013


| Hurrican


| Bruno Cathala | Ludovic Maublanc


| Jean-Marie Minguez


|推理 |音乐 |小说题材

Le Fantô me de l’ Opé ra是基于Jack先生游戏系统&ndash的双人游戏;也就是说,游戏是一个不对称的事件,一个玩家想要揭示游戏板上的哪个嫌疑人代表对手,两个玩家轮流移动所有的嫌疑人交替地显示和隐藏信息。也就是说,游戏与Jack先生的不同之处在于不同。更详细地说,在Le Fantô me de l’ Opé ra中,八个可疑的标记站在Op&eacute的十个房间里,Garnier。每个嫌疑人都有理由驱使歌剧歌手La Carlotta远离制作,而在比赛开始时,其中一名嫌疑犯被随机地确定为Phantom玩家的真实身份。另一名球员是调查员,他想发现Phantom的身份;如果他在拉卡洛塔逃跑了Op&eacute之前就这样做了,那么他就赢了。否则,他输了。 (为了平衡新手和经验丰富的玩家之间的玩法,La Carlotta的起始位置可以改变。)

在每个奇怪的回合开始时,有8张可疑卡被洗牌,其中4张被揭开。调查员移动一名嫌疑犯,(可能)使用该嫌疑人的独特能力,然后Phantom移动其余三名嫌疑犯中的两名,然后调查员移动最终嫌疑犯。然后,Phantom玩家揭示了他是否能够或不能在Op&eacute造成干扰; ra Garnier,从而吓倒La Carlotta;他只能在独自一人身上或者如果他在带有停电令牌的房间里,就会造成骚扰。如果他可以造成干扰,调查员会清除所有共享点燃房间的嫌疑犯;如果没有,调查员会在黑暗中或自己身上清除所有嫌疑犯。在此之后,La Carlotta向每个未被宣布为无辜的嫌疑犯(如果Phantom确实造成干扰的另外一个步骤)走近一步逃跑。

对于每一轮,剩下的四名可疑卡片被揭露,玩家再次移动角色并利用他们的特殊能力,Phantom先走。游戏继续下去,直到只有一名嫌疑人不是无辜的,或者La Carlotta为了米兰的安全而逃离法国。

当一个角色移动时,它可以移动到尽可能多的空格,它移动的房间。大多数人物只能通过开放的走廊移动,但是Meg Giry可以使用连接许多房间的秘密通道。玩家必须使用Meg的能力和其他角色的特殊能力来隐藏或揭示信息。例如,一个角色移动一个阻挡一个走廊的挂锁,而另一个角色负责漫游停电,这允许Phantom在黑暗中操作(或至少为其他地方的活动提供封面)。一个甜美的人物可以将每个人从相邻的房间吸引到她的身边,而一个不愉快的家伙可以驱赶每个人。还有一个揭示(或隐藏)一个不在场的卡片,清除一个嫌疑人(或保持他的真实性质未知)。每个角色在正确的情况下都是有用的。你只需要学习这些情况...

Le Fantôme de l’Opéra is a two-player game based on the Mr. Jack game system – that is, the game is an asymmetric affair in which one player wants to reveal which suspect token on the game board represents the opponent, with both players taking turns moving all of the suspects to alternately reveal and hide information. That said, the game differs in a number of ways from Mr. Jack. In more detail... In Le Fantôme de l’Opéra, eight suspect tokens stand in the ten rooms of the Opéra Garnier. Each suspect has a reason to drive the opera singer La Carlotta away from the production, and at the start of the game one of the suspects is randomly determined to be the true identity of the Phantom player. The other player is the Investigator, and he wants to discover the Phantom's identity; if he does so before La Carlotta flees the Opéra Garnier, then he wins. Otherwise, he loses. (To balance play between newcomers and experienced players La Carlotta's starting position can changed.) At the start of each odd round, eight suspect cards are shuffled and four of them revealed. The Investigator moves one suspect and (likely) uses this suspect's unique ability, then the Phantom moves two of the remaining three suspects, then the Investigator moves the final suspect. The Phantom player then reveals whether he can or cannot cause a disturbance in the Opéra Garnier, thus scaring La Carlotta; he can cause a disturbance only if he's alone or if he's in the room with the blackout token. If he can cause a disturbance, the Investigator clears all suspects sharing a lit room; if not, the Investigator clears all suspects in the dark or on their own. After this, La Carlotta moves one step closer to fleeing for each suspect that hasn't been declared innocent (and an additional step if the Phantom did create a disturbance). For each even round, the remaining four suspect cards are revealed, and the players again move characters and use their special abilities, with the Phantom going first. The game continues until only a single suspect is not innocent or La Carlotta flees France for the safety of Milan. When a character moves, it can move up to as many spaces as the number of characters in the room from which it moves. Most characters can move only through open corridors, but Meg Giry can use secret passageways that connect many of the rooms. The players must use Meg's ability and the other characters' special abilities to hide or reveal information. One character, for example, moves a padlock that blocks one corridor, while another is responsible for the roaming blackout that allows the Phantom to operate in darkness (or at least provide cover for his activity elsewhere). One sweet character can draw everyone from adjacent rooms to her side, while an unpleasant fellow can drive everyone away. Still another reveals (or hides) an alibi card, clearing one suspect (or keeping his true nature unknown). Every character is useful in the right situation. You just have to learn what those situations are...