玩家评分: 6.5

大西洋海战 第二版
War at Sea (Second Edition)

桌游极客排名: 3512

本月排名变化: 10

玩家评分: 6.5

玩家人数: 2 (最佳: 2人)

时长: 120 分钟

难度: 1.95 (毛线)

适合年龄: 12+

专业评分: 5.85



出版年份: 1976


| The Avalon Hill Game Co


| John Edwards


| John Edwards | Art Lupinacci | W. Scott Moores


|航海 |战争 |二战


|区域移动 |骰子驱动 |模拟

海上战争是一场简单的战略,涵盖了大西洋之战和第二次世界大战中的地中海战争。“游戏将大西洋划分为6个海域。每个人都会把他们的船只从港口国转移到其中一个地区。所有船只移动后,都会发生战斗。经过多次回合,直到一方或另一方撤退或失去所有的船只,具有船只的玩家掌握了该地区的控制权,并获得了一些“控制点”的分数。 (例外情况:德国U型艇只需要一轮反潜作战,即使该地区有盟军船只也可以留在该地区,如果U型船占据该地区,盟军不能得分。                             

War at Sea is a simple strategic wargame covering the Battle of the Atlantic and naval warfare of the Mediterranean in WW2. The game divides the Atlantic into 6 sea areas. Each turn the players move their ships from port countries to one of the areas. After all ships have been moved, a battle occurs. After a number of rounds, until one side or the other retreats or loses all of his ships, the player with ships left takes control of the area and a scores a number of "Points of Control". (Exception: German U-boats only have to survive one round anti-submarine combat and may stay in the area, even if the area has Allied ships. The Allies cannot score if a U-Boat occupies the area.) Additional points are also earned for convoys successfully crossing the Atlantic to England or Russia (for a BIG three POC). Avalon Hill Complexity rating - 1