玩家评分: 6.4


桌游极客排名: 1980

本月排名变化: 15

玩家评分: 6.4

玩家人数: 3 - 8 (最佳: 8人)

时长: 30-90 分钟

难度: 1.16 (毛线)

适合年龄: 7+

专业评分: 6.19



出版年份: 1903


| (Self-Published) | Arclight Games | Clipper


| Edgar Cayce | Harry Gavitt | George S. Parker


| Randy Asher | Paul Couture | Olivier Fagnère


|卡牌游戏 |经济 |聚会

坑是一个开放的商品交易游戏。 1903年的第一版拥有63张卡片,7种商品中有9种,每种商品价值(从亚麻到40,小麦为100)。玩家通过哭泣他们想要交换的卡片数量(“一个!一个!”,或“三!三!三!”)而不是他们的身份提供交易。手的胜利者是首先收集所有一种商品,宣布“小麦角”!或任何商品已被收集。获胜者的手分数等于商品的价值,游戏的赢家是第一至500分。

#1904版的坑添加了很多鸽友的艺术品和着名的公牛和熊卡,提供通配卡和惩罚功能。早期版本允许最多7名玩家,但后来的版本支持8,至少有一种情况下最多可达10名。Pit&r#s设计师,注意到精神病人埃德加·凯斯(Edgar Cayce)经常被指控偷走哈维·加维特(Harry Gavitt)发明的游戏加维特证券交易所(GSE)的想法。虽然G-S-E早在1896年就拥有专利权,但它涉及交易铁路股票,并且在1903年与Pit同一年版权和出版。另外,授予Gavitt的唯一相关专利是19043年10月7日提交并授予1903年12月8日的US746492A。1903年的市场也是交易所,这是一个非常相似的Flinch卡公司的开放商品交易游戏。使用8个商品中的10个的80张卡片甲板和Panic,使用65个卡片卡,8个商品中有8个商品和一张恐慌卡,大致相当于公牛。然而,坑似乎已经在开放式的竞争游戏市场上占有一席之地,因为在1904年以后,这两个竞争对手都没有再次被看到。


派克兄弟(1903 - ???)




&#9 				 Microbadges

Pit is an open-outcry commodity trading game. The first edition in 1903 had a deck of 63 cards, 9 each of 7 commodities, each with a value (ranging from 40 for Flax to 100 for Wheat). Players offer trades by crying out the number of cards they want to swap (“One! One! One!”, or “Three! Three! Three!”) but not their identity. The winner of the hand is the first to collect all of one commodity, declaring “Corner on Wheat!” or whatever commodity has been collected. The winner of the hand scores points equal to the value of the commodity, and the winner of the game is the first to 500 points. The 1904 Edition of Pit added much fancier artwork and the famous Bull and Bear cards, which provide wild-card and penalty features. The early editions allowed a maximum of 7 players, but later versions supported 8 and in at least one case up to 10. Pit’s designer, noted psychic Edgar Cayce, is often accused of having stolen the idea from the game Gavitt’s Stock Exchange (G-S-E) invented by Harry Gavitt. While G-S-E claimed patents dating as early as 1896, it involved trading railway shares, and was only copyrighted and published in 1903, the same year as Pit. In addition, the only related patent assigned to Gavitt is US746492 A, filed October 7, 1903, and granted December 8, 1903. Also hitting the market in 1903 was Bourse', a remarkably similar open-outcry commodity trading game from Flinch Card Co., using an 80-card deck with 10 each of 8 commodities, and Panic, using a 65 card deck with 8 each of 8 commodities and a Panic card, roughly equivalent to the Bull. Pit, however, seems to have cornered the market on open-outcry games, as neither of its competitors were seen again after 1904.